MAIN POINT: It’s not enough to be faithful, the church that perseveres continually turns together from sin to Jesus.
The church is in the world (v.13).
The church must not be of the world (v.14-16).
The church lives for another world (v.17).
Bible Story: The Ark of God
Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:1–8
Bible Truth: God is holy.
Where is Jesus: Exodus 25:16–22
David celebrated the return of the ark because it represented the presence of the Lord. In fact, the cover of the ark is called the atonement cover (Exodus 25:17 NIV). This pointed forward to Jesus who died to atone or pay for our sins. Now that Jesus has come, he has made the final atonement for the sins of men. Now there is a new dwelling place for God—in the hearts of men. In a sense, every Christian is a living ark. The presence of God is in us!
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