Announcements + Sunday Recap


Paradise in Tension

July 16, 2023 || Genesis 3:1-7 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: Watch out, your main enemy is not the world, the devil, or your neighbor—it is your own sin.

  1. The Serpent (v. 1 - 3).

  2. The Lie (v. 4 - 5).

  3. The Sin (v. 6 - 7).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The Exiles Return

Scripture: Ezra 1 - 3

Bible Truth: God moves in the hearts of men to rebuild the temple and accomplish his purpose.

Where is Jesus: Ezra 3: 8 - 13

Some of the people of God who returned to Jerusalem from Babylon were very old. If a child had been a ten-year-old when first captured, he would be an eighty-year-old now after the seventy-year captivity in Babylon.

The older men remembered how beautiful Solomon’s temple had been before being destroyed. That’s why they were sad and crying. But their children, who had grown up in Babylon, had never seen Solomon’s temple, so they rejoiced when the foundation was laid.

Even though the new temple was not as big and beautiful as the original, something very special would one day happen there. Jesus would visit this rebuilt temple; he would walk across the very foundation they were laying. The older men had good reason to be sad, but if they had only known that Jesus would teach and heal in the rebuilt temple, they would have rejoiced instead of crying.

Jesus is the new temple. When we become Christians we become a part of Christ’s body, the church—we become a part of the new temple (1 Corinthians 3:16–17). God’s new, most glorious temple is not man-made but God-made. The same presence of God that filled Solomon’s temple fills the heart of every Christian.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


VBS: Stories of Radical Rescue

WHEN: July 19- 21 | 2 - 4 pm | YMCA

WHO: TGC kids ages 5-12 years old are welcome to join for free!

HOW: Please arrive around 1:45p and let the front desk know you are dropping kids off for VBS. Parents can then register their kids for the day in the gym. Pickup is in the gym at 4pm.

Advance 2023!

WHEN: July 27 - 29

WHAT: Advance is back . . . and better than ever!  Advance is a summer retreat for youth.  Sign up below to reserve your spot.

Membership Class

WHEN: September 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

WHAT: Join us as we unpack our doctrine, values, & the commitments we make to one another. Sign up below to get more information.

Women’s Retreat

WHEN: September 22-23

WHERE: Camp Fairview

Mark your calendars! You will not want to miss this spiritually refreshing retreat and wonderful time of fellowship, food, and fun. Registration is now available with more information coming soon.