Announcements + Sunday Recap


Paradise Lost

July 23, 2023 || Genesis 3:7-24 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: The only appropriate response to the unimaginable wreckage of sin is turning in humility to God.

  1. Sin is worse than imagined (v. 8 - 13).

  2. Sin’s effects are greater than imagined (v. 14 - 19).

  3. God’s grace is better than imagined (v. 20 -24).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The Temple is Completed

Scripture: Ezra 6 - 7

Bible Truth: Nothing stops God from redeeming his people.

Where is Jesus: Ephesians 2: 19 - 22

After the rebuilding of Zerubbabel’s temple, seven hundred animals were sacrificed. At the completion of Solomon’s temple 142,000 animals were sacrificed. Neither temple remains today. Those hundreds and thousands of sacrifices were temporary. Those temples were temporary.

Jesus is God’s temple (Revelation 21:22) just as Christ’s body—the church—is God’s temple (Ephesians 2:19–22). As a part of the church, we are each individually God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

We are God’s temples because the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Together we make up his church and all of us form the body of Christ. In Christ we have become the new temple of God. Only one sacrifice was made and only one was ever needed—the death of Christ on the cross.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Gil Balch Special Offering

WHEN: Sunday, July 30th

WHAT: You are invited to prayerfully consider participating in a special offering to help support Gil Balch and his family as they step out on faith to pursue the Lord’s calling on his life.

Back to School Block Party

WHEN: Saturday, August 12th

WHAT: Be a part of the fun and fellowship as we celebrate back to school at the Athens YMCA from 11 am - 2 pm. Sign up below for more information on how you can volunteer.

Membership Class

WHEN: September 16, 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

WHAT: Join us as we unpack our doctrine, values, & the commitments we make to one another. Sign up below to get more information.

Women’s Retreat

WHEN: September 22-23

WHERE: Camp Fairview

Mark your calendars! You will not want to miss this spiritually refreshing retreat and wonderful time of fellowship, food, and fun. Registration is now available with more information coming soon.