MAIN POINT: The way to be wise in this crooked world is still by fearing God.
1. Fear God.
2. Keep the commandments of God.
3. Wait for the judgment of God.
Other friends will forget all kindnesses done, no matter how many. But God will forget all your sins, and remember them no more; yet not one good deed of love, no, not one good thought from first to last, shall be forgotten. Thomas Goodwin
If you missed this past Sunday or couldn’t write the quotes down fast enough, we have a link for you below.
Bible Story: The People of Israel Complain
Scripture: Numbers 11
Bible Truth: God’s mercy spares Israel again, despite their rejection of God.
Where is Jesus: Colossians 1:10–14
Paul encourages us in these verses to have endurance, patience, and joy as we serve God. He wants us to give thanks to God, who has given us redemption and forgiveness through Jesus.
Just like the Israelites, we are tempted to grumble and complain against God when we do not like his plan for us. Just like the Israelites, we deserve death, but instead we can receive rescue through Jesus.
Whenever the Israelites sinned and God had mercy on them, he gave them mercy because he knew that a Savior was coming. Anytime God has ever had mercy on anyone, it was because of Jesus.
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