Baptism Class next Sunday, April 19!

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How do I know I am Christian? How do i know for sure my faith is my own & not just something I do because of how I was raised or because it is something my friends do?

There is no more important question for us to consider.

in this Baptism Class, as we consider the topic of baptism, we are really trying to answer this very important question.

That said, this class is for you:

  • if you’re a parent seeking to lead your children to personal trust in Jesus.

  • if you’ve never been baptized & wonder if you should be.

  • if you’ve wondered what it means “to be a Christian” & want help finding the answer.

The class will be:

WHEN: Sunday, April 19.

WHAT TIME: 9:00am–9:45am.

WHERE: Zoom.

EMAIL WALT ( to get all the Zoom call details.

What happened to Jesus on the cross?

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What actually happened to Jesus on the cross?

What took 3 dark hours?

Why did it have to happen?

On Good Friday, our plan is simple.

We are going to carve out 30 unhurried minutes on Friday evening to meditate on what happened to Jesus & why it matters for us.

Join us if you would like:

  • Friday, April 10

  • 8pm

  • From Pastor Walt’s porch.

  • Watch on: or our YouTube channel.

Community Groups go Zooming...



This month our Community Groups are meeting online through Zoom. It’s not ideal—actually, it kind of stinks. But it is gift for us to be able to stay connected right now.

Below are the days.

  • Pritchetts, Wednesday

  • Alexanders, Wednesday

  • Balls, Friday

  • Olsens, Sunday

If you want to join in to one of the calls, email contact [@] trinitygraceathens [dot] com & we will get you connected.

Or, you can email one of the Community Groups leaders. The different leaders & their contact info is here.

(Good) News Alert: Scott Trew's story of saving grace!


Scott & Lauren have quickly become some of our favorites & blessings to our little family.

Several weeks ago, during one of our Family Night Live video calls, Scott shared his story of saving grace & we were all greatly encouraged.

Read along & rejoice!

Hello my Trinity Grace family.

I hope I am finding you better off in the face of all this craziness knowing that we have a great God who loves us more than we can fathom.

So here I go! My name is Scott Trew and I am a sinner. I am married to the love of my life and we have two wonderful daughters and I have experienced a most amazing career and life so far. For 25 years, I was a a Secret Service Agent. I put many criminals in jail and I traveled the world and witnessed history. We started out in Atlanta where I jogged with former President Carter and helped secure the 1996 Olympics. I was in Nashville with Vice President Gore in 2000 on the night the election went undecided. I was with President Bush standing on the twin towers rubble in NYC two days after 9/11. I have traveled the world and protected Kings and Presidents. Hopefully its easy to see how this life could make one a bit self important and a belief that I’ve got it all together, right!

This is my testimony of how our loving God patiently pursued me as I ran from him. One thing I love about hearing others testimonies is that God’s pursuit of his people takes many forms and he will specialize that story just for you.

I attended church growing up though it was not gospel centered. I was surrounded by dear people who worked hard to model loving one another as Christ taught. I never remember being taught the Gospel. In fact, I remember being told by someone I love dearly that I was saved when Christ died on the cross suggesting Christ death saved all humanity. There was a strong aversion to talk of a second birth called salvation.

As a 10 year old at a church camp, I asked Jesus to save me, but without mentorship, I failed to fully grasp what it meant and I continued my life my way. I was highly moral, unless I did not think anyone noticed. I felt guilty about my sinfulness but didn’t work too hard to deal with it. I had moral mentors that helped direct me toward right but I had no one to point me to Christ.

Fast forward until I found myself a young father and husband. I had pursued a career which held great responsibility and authority. As a younger man, I could handle all the stress the world wanted to throw my way. I was in control. As time passed the weight and stress piled up. Additionally, while attending church, I would sit there hearing sermons that may or may not be derived from scripture. I knew there was more to this than a lesson in living a moral life. I prayed for God to lead my family to a church where Jesus was the central focus and biblical teaching was the standard. I also asked if a stained glass window could be thrown it too.... If you ever want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.

We found ourselves worshiping in an elementary school gym with a praise band. No quiet reflection, ritual or incense to be found here. No founding fathers buried in the church graveyard. Just the squeak of folding chairs, the occasional whiff of sweaty gym clothes, and the loud hum of the circulating fan. Then Keith stepped up to preach and he opened his Bible and taught from the book of Peter. After church our family was swarmed by people who loved God first and wanted to love us too. I knew then that, in police jargon, I had been “set up.”

Through Keith Peck’s biblical teaching and some wonderful Godly friends to mentor me I fell in love with the Gospel and what it means for us. I remember asking Keith if salvation was a supernatural occurrence. His surprise answer to me was yes it is a supernatural act. I was disappointed realizing that I had never felt a supernatural change regarding my faith. I assumed it had to be Pauls experience of a blinding light and exiting the moment as a totally different person who sold everything and walked to Rome preaching the Gospel. Needless to say I had more to learn.

With time, prayer, and study, I began to see that I was far more broken than I originally believed, but that Christ is far more gracious and able to heal me than I ever deserved. I realized that I had been a 90% believer which meant that I was totally missing the mark. I was flattened by my own hubris and desire for control. I fell on my face and prayed for God to take me as his own. I stepped back from that experience realizing that while it was not a blinding light or anything like so many salvation experiences I have heard, it was supernatural non the less. I am changed but I am not perfect. Far from it.

I am changed when it comes to knowing the truth. Jesus Christ is the center of my life. I am free from many of the sins in my life especially control. I no longer live for my glory or the approval of others. I am a 100% believer that Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for me and stands between me and my unworthiness and a perfect God. I am not saved by anything that I have done or deserved but through Christ alone.

I offer my testimony of God’s saving me to encourage you to pursue him. Don’t succumb to being a 0%er or a 90%er. If you are an unbeliever or a just “sorta kinda” believer I encourage you to pursue Jesus and consider giving up control. Life doesn’t necessarily get easier but there is a peace in knowing you no longer need to prove yourself. I look forward to continuing to grow in Christ alongside my Trinity Grace family. I hope you find my journey an encouragement and please know that you don’t need to hit rock bottom to surrender your life to him.

Family Night Live Recap!


It was a joy to “see” you at the Family NIght last night!

As we saw, Psalm 123 teaches us to watch carefully & continually for good from God. Our hope rests in him & he promises us only good.

So, let us watch carefully & continually throughout these strange & difficult days in the following ways.


There are some seasons where days off from spiritual discipline is neither wise or safe—this is one of him. Don’t pray & read because you are “supposed to,” but because you are desperate to walk by faith.

Two helps for you:

Catch up on our I Can Read the Bible Plan.

  • If you have fallen behind, this is a perfect time to catch up! If you are continuing along, here are the daily readings for April–June. If you want a physical copy, email Walt or stop by his office.

Listen to chunks of the Bible intermittently throughout the day with Dwell.

  • Dwell has generously given our whole church access to this app for 60 days. It is an incredible app with all sorts of ways to listen to chunks of the Bible & set your mind on things above throughout the day.

  • It is great way to medicate on Scriptures while you walk, wash dishes, drive, do chores, rest, hide from the kids.

  • Click here & it will tell you all you need to do to get setup & begin listening.


Thanksgiving is not just a good idea. It severs the root of many sins by reminding us of God’s perspective of our lives, perhaps especially during this time of seclusion & withdrawing from so many activities.

So count your blessings—make thanksgiving a deliberate, daily practice.


The ladies are better at staying close with friends; us guys generally stink.

Our hope & where we look for good shifts constantly by the week, day, or minute (!), so I would encourage you to establish regular ways to touch base & receive help from friends during this season.


Many days, I conclude thinking something like, Well, that didn’t go so well! My guess is you do too.

That’s okay. There’s always tomorrow, which will come with new mercies.

A Day of Prayer Together for the Our Community & Nation

Trinity Grace:

As we heard in the message yesterday, we are devoting Wednesday to a Day of Prayer. Our hearts are heavy & burdened in so many ways.

We want to ask you to do two things.

1. Sign up for an hour for you or your family to pray. It would be great if you could pray the whole hour! However, choose an hour where you can intentionally pray as you continue your daily tasks.

2. Below are some points to pray.

  • Ask God to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout the United States & especially other nations where it has not spread.

  • Ask God to protect those who are “high-risk” or “vulnerable” from contracting the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to strengthen & keep healthy all the health care professionals in our community & in our church—Sam, Stephen, Daniel, Jenn, Paige, Jenn, Anna, & others.

  • Ask God to protect us from the sins that are particularly tempting in isolation—bitterness, self-pity, lust, gluttony, & so on.

  • Ask God to provide for the members of our church especially those who may face serious financial challenges as a result of this virus.

  • Ask God to give the Walt, Taylor, Buddy, & the Deacons wisdom as they make daily & weekly decisions related to church schedule, pastoral care, etc.

  • Ask God to give wisdom & courage to President Trump, Congress, Governor Lee, Mayor Gentry, & others as they make decisions for our respective nations, states and locales.

  • Ask God to give us opportunities to share the hope we have in the gospel with unbelievers who are hopeless & fearful.

3. Is there any specific way Walt or the church can pray for you? We would love to know!

  • If so, please email Walt at

Where is God When Life Goes Sideways?

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This Sunday we are starting a new series called Where is God When Life Goes Sideways?

Because it has. For all of us.

Like last week, we’ll be live-streaming the service.

Here are a few suggestions to benefit from the livestream service:

1. Choose a way to livestream & go through all the steps to set it up before 10:30am.

  • Smart TV: If you have a smart TV, go to your YouTube app. Search for the Trinity Grace channel—with our circular design—& subscribe to that channel. At 10:30am, the service will be live on that channel.

  • Any other device: If you do not have a smart TV & plan to watch on a phone/tablet/computer, simply go to our website & click the link at the top of the page.

2. Set out your Bible, journal, & activity sheets for the kiddos the night before.

3. Invite a friend over & share the livestream link with someone.

  • Everyone is asking questions & trying to understand these challenging times. And, everyone is stuck inside with no sports!

  • Invite them over or share the link with them. It could provide an open door to tell them about the security found in Jesus.

4. Brew coffee, enough said!

5. Tune in with the kids at 10:00am for a special LEARNERS CLASS.

6. Prepare to give.

  • You can give online here.

  • Or, you can give through text any dollar amount to 84321 to give.

7. Discuss the service & the message afterwards.

  • Where did you sense the Lord comforting you, challenging you, or encouraging you?

  • Is there any sin for you to forsake? Any example for you to follow? Any promise for you to rest in? Any command for you to obey?

8. Snap a picture of you & your people watching so we can see you & share!

  • Hashtag those pics #trinitygraceathens or shoot them to

Songs to Sing in Seclusion: Psalm 120

Each week, we are going to release a few videos form the pastors unpacking the Psalms of Ascent.

The Psalms of Ascent are a group of 14 songs in the book of Psalms (Psalm 120–134) that the people of God sung as they journeyed towards Jerusalem. They journeyed towards the holy city & sung these songs as they anticipated gathering together with all the Lord’s people.

During these season in which we cannot gather in person, these psalms seem especially appropriate for us to study & “sing” together.

Below is the first video from Psalm 120.

"Separate, but together."

While, I hope live-streaming our services ends really soon! It was great to be “separate, but together.”

Here are a few more fun snapshots from our Sunday together!

Three Things You Must NOT Stop In Solitude!

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It was such a joy to “gather together” through livestream today!

If you were unable to catch the service, you can still watch the entire service on our YouTube channel. Or, you can listen through Apple podcasts or here.

In addition, below are the quotes Walt shared in his message:

Weep but pray. Pray but think. Reorder your loves but hope. . . . Suffering gives you a chance to render your priorities now.  Tim Keller

Nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a life of purpose in the midst of painful adversity.  Tim Keller

This world is full of sorrow because it is full of sin. It is a dark place. It is a lonely place. It is a disappointing place. The brightest sunbeam in it is a friend. Friendship halves our troubles & doubles our joys.  J.C. Ryle

Most of our brother Christians showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and thinking only of one another. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need and ministering to them in Christ, and with them departed this life serenely happy; for they were infected by others with the disease, drawing on themselves the sickness of their neighbors and cheerfully accepting their pains. Many, in nursing and curing others, transferred their death to themselves and died in their stead.  Dionysius

Is there anything we can do to help you?

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has disrupted every one of our lives.

We all need help in times like these.

We as a church want to come together & help one another. We want to love one another & bear one another’s burdens.

Is there anything we can do to help you?

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if & how we can help. It could be:

  • running errands for you

  • getting groceries for you

  • helping you pay your bills

  • or, something else?

How To Make the Best of Our Live-Streamed Service—March 22!

This Sunday will be unprecedented in our church’s short history—we will be live-streaming the service with only a handful of people participating in person.

So, what in the world is live-stream? And, how can we make the best of it for this season?

Remember, believe or not, you can be late to a service broadcasted into your home…

a few suggestions to make sure you are on time & ready to benefit:

1. Choose a way to livestream & go through all the steps to set it up before 10:30am.

  • What are those steps?

  • Smart TV: If you have a smart TV, go to your YouTube app. Search for the Trinity Grace channel—with our circular design—& subscribe to that channel. At 10:30am, the service will be live on that channel.

  • Any other device: If you do not have a smart TV & plan to watch on a phone/tablet/computer, simply go to our website & click the link at the top of the page.

2. Set out your Bible, journal, & activity sheets for the kiddos the night before.

3. Invite a friend over.

  • While we are supposed to avoid crowds of 10 & under, we don’t have watch the livestream alone.

  • Invite a few friends or family to watch & worship with you.

4. Brew coffee, enough said!

5. Prepare your heart ahead of time with prayer & worship songs.

  • Pro-tip: If you haven’t already, subscribe to the YouTube channels for CityAlight & Sovereign Grace Music. Thank me later!

6. Prepare to give.

  • You can give online here.

  • Or, you can give through text—"Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give." 

7. Discuss the service & the message afterwards.

  • Where did you sense the Lord comforting you, challenging you, or encouraging you?

  • Is there any sin for you to forsake? Any example for you to follow? Any promise for you to rest in? Any command for you to obey?

8. Snap a picture of you & your people watching so we can see you & share!

  • You can shoot those pics to

What We Can Pray for Today in the Midst of the Coronavirus, March 20.

Sometimes we have to face something bigger than us to realize how much we always need the Lord. There is no doubt, this coronavirus & the numerous temptations & challenges it introduces is bigger than us.

So, let us pray.

Jesus promises us that the Father hears prayer, answers prayer, & gives good things to those who pray.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew 7:7-11

Below are ways you can pray for us, our community, our nations, & our world, as we walk through this Coronavirus pandemic.

  • Ask God to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus throughout the world.

  • Ask God to protect those who are “high-risk” from contracting the COVID-19 virus.

  • Ask God to heal those who are sick, especially those who test positive for COVID-19.

  • Ask God to strengthen & keep healthy all the health care professionals in our community & in our church—Sam, Stephen, Daniel, Jenn, Paige, Jenn, Anna, Cindy, Jody, & others.

  • Ask God to provide for the members of our church especially those who may face serious financial challenges as a result of this virus.

  • Ask God to give the Walt, Taylor, Buddy, & the Deacons wisdom as they make daily & weekly decisions related to church schedule, pastoral care, etc.

  • Ask God to give wisdom & strength to President Trump, Congress, Governor Lee, Mayor Gentry, & others as they make decisions for our respective nations, states and locales.

  • Ask God to give us opportunities to share the hope we have in the gospel with unbelievers who are hopeless & fearful.

  • Ask the Prince of Peace to give us peace as we walk through this pandemic together trusting in His sovereign rule & reign.

Coronavirus Update, March 19.

Trinity Grace:

I wanted to send you a few updates.

Sunday Mornings

This past Sunday, the Center For Disease Control recommended there be no gatherings of 50 or more people for the next eight weeks. Monday, President Trump asked for Americans to avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people for the next 15 days.

In order to honor these new recommendations, we will be live-streaming our service each Sunday at 10:30am for an indeterminate amount of time.

I don’t know what to say. I am so disappointed, as I am sure you are as well.

When the church gathers in person each week, it is—as Charles Spurgeon once said—”the dearest place on earth” & I will deeply miss it. There is no substitute to what God does as we sing together, pray together, fellowship together, & sit under God’s Word together.

Live-streaming is a temporary fix—a wonderful option that will serve us for now—but we will stop it as soon as possible!

Beyond Sunday mornings, I want us to receive this season with humility & prayer together.

Day of prayer

Would you join me for a Day of Prayer tomorrow?

Let us pray for peace to rule our hearts. Let us pray for our community to look to the interests of others, especially the vulnerable. Let us pray for our health professionals. Let us pray for our children to learn through these days to trust God. Let us pray for the lost, that God would bring them home in the midst of this season of uncertainty.

I pray we hear many testimonies, “I was rescued/revived/restored/redeemed during the Coronavirus pandemic.” Let it be, Lord.

Details for how & what to pray will be posted on the blog tomorrow morning.


I want us to receive this season with humility & prayer together.

We will greatly miss the Colloms Center lobby & the chance to quickly catch up with one another each week! So…we’re going to try something new.

On March 25 & April 1, we are going to gather for a live video call with the pastors to receive updates, hear testimonies, & pray together. These calls will be from 8-9pm both evenings. An email link with all the instructions will be sent to all members. If you are a regular attender & would like to join, please fill out this form & we’ll connect you.

“See you” Sunday!

Though you’ve stopped everything else, don’t stop feeding your soul!

By all accounts, we are walking through unfamiliar territory.

No school for 2 weeks? Not even snow in the South could do that! Not to mention the President & CDC’s advice to stay close to home & avoid all nonessential things outside of the home.

It’s not hard to imagine our souls shriveling in these days.

Like muscles that atrophy without being engaged, the daily & weekly rhythms of our lives are not merely “the things we do,” they are the practices that encourage our faith towards God & love towards others. Many of them—corporate worship, coffee with girlfriends, social gatherings, small group, etc—are vital to keeping our soul in shape.

So, what do we do now?

6 Ways to Feed Your Soul:

1. Memorize a psalm together as a family.

Instead of having the main thread between your conversations be the coronavirus, make it a psalm. Form your conversations intentionally around the matchless power & steadfast love of God.

Psalm 121 is great one to memorize—the kids will love it too!

2. Call or FaceTime a friend each day to check in.

Introverts like being alone, but this much alone time might even challenge them!

Call a friend each day to check in. You too guys! Ask the normal questions that you would ask when you saw them—How are you? How is that thing we have been praying about?

Maybe someone from Community Group or a friend from school or an out-of-town family member.

Resist the temptation to isolate yourself or to reduce friendship to catching up by our social media feeds.

3. Listen to this message from Bill Kittrell on Isaiah 8 & Fear.

Bill—the senior pastor of Cornerstone—is my mentor & one of my best friends.

More importantly, his teaching on fear & anxiety have greatly served me over the years. And, this message is another example of why.

4. Talk with your children.

Your kids are always listening to your conversations. If you are afraid or anxious, they probably are too. If you are dismissive, they are probably that too. They are listening & following.

Take up the coronavirus & use it to teach them about the character of God:

  • First off, educate them on the virus. This SHORT PODCAST is for kids & very helpful.

  • Second, discuss it. What do they think? How does it make them feel? Fearful? Afraid? Confused?

  • Third, rehearse the promises of God (Isaiah 43:1-7; Romans 8:28-39) & why we should not be afraid.

5. Pray.

James 4:2 says, You do not have, because you do not ask. Let’s not let the coronavirus hang around because we never asked it to leave!

God loves to hear & answer prayers (Ps. 86:5-7).

John Piper says it so well:

“When God hungers for some special satisfaction, he seeks out a prayer to answer . . . The food of God is to answer our prayers. The most wonderful thing about the Bible is that it reveals a God who satisfies his appetite for joy by answering prayers. . . . Psalm 50:13-15, ‘Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?’ Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and call upon him in the day of trouble, and he will deliver you, and you will glorify him.’ The demonstration of the glory of God in answered prayer is God’s special feast.”

Takeaway: Pray each night for God to protect someone you know that is “more vulnerable”—either because of their age or a series underlying health condition.

6. Rest.

After you’ve done some of those things, don’t just let your time fritter away in news updates & social media.

Read a book that takes you to another world. (Right now, I—Walt—am reading All the Light We Cannot See about WWII & am loving where it takes me each day.)

Watch a (wholesome) movie, like Nacho Libre!

Take a nap.

We were not made to keep going late into the night & back at it early the next morning. We need rest. Maybe one of the purposes of the coronavirus could be for us to slow down, rest, & realize God is doing just fine taking care of everything without our help!