Brinner is back—next Sunday night!


That is not John’s plate of pancakes from the last Brinner, but it is very close!

But, it does mean Brinner is back!

Each month, all the high-schoolers gather with Pastor Walt for pancakes & a lively discussion. And next Sunday night we return for another year.

Here’s a few details:

  • WHEN: Sunday, August 30 at 6:00pm

  • WHERE: The Alexanders’ home

  • WHY: Because pancakes . . .

  • WHAT ELSE: Read Chapter 1 of Confronting Christianity

Community Group Men meet this week & Women next week!


We are continuing our discussion of The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges this week as men & next week as women!

In preparation, read Lesson 2: The Pharisee & the Tax Collector.

Below are several questions to ponder & discuss together:

  1. Did Lesson 1 help you void the good-day vs. bad-day mentality over the past 2 weeks? How or how not?

  2. Lesson 2 opens with a quote from the missionary William Carey. (a) How could a man of such remarkable faith in God lament his own sinfulness & shortcomings toward the end of his life? (b) Should Carey’s attitude be an example for us to follow or should we write it off as an unfortunate bit of introspection that comes with age?

  3. Consider the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector. (a) What was the one fatal flaw in the Pharisee’s thinking? (b) By contrast to the Pharisee, how did the tax collector see himself & his sin? (c) Why did Jesus declare the tax collector righteous before God?

  4. Bridges contends that Christians should view themselves as both saints & sinners. (a) Why is that? (b) How does this change the way you typically view yourself?

Learning more about Rancho 3M!


Last Sunday, Kaitlyn shared about her internship with the Rancho 3M Orphanage in Guadalupe, Mexico.

Rancho 3M is over 50 years old & has been led by Dean Adamek for nearly 20 years with the following mission:

Rancho 3M is a Christian orphanage and school that exists for the glory of God Almighty. Our vision, to rescue, care for and disciple at risk and orphaned children, is accomplished by training up and discipling them in the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our aim is to send out mature believers with sound Biblical doctrine and a love for the local church to advance the Kingdom of God in Mexico and beyond.

If you are interested in learning more about Rancho 3M, check out their website or Facebook page.

Also, if you are interested in partnering with them, you can do so in the following ways on this page:

  • School Sponsorship Program

  • Give Monthly

  • Give One-Time

How to keep up with the Hollingsworths!


It was such a joy to pray for & send out the Hollingsworths last Sunday to Louisville for the Pastors College!

In case you were wondering, they have officially arrived in Louisville & are getting settled in their apartment there.


In just a few weeks, class will start up. And the Hollingsworths will be busy with reading, writing, & studying for the Pastors College.

Several of you have asked how to keep up with them over the next 10 months.

Well, they will be sending out regular update emails. If you want to receive them, sign up below & we’ll make sure you are on the list.

I Can Pray Seminar details!

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There's simply nothing harder than prayer. And there's nothing Christians struggle with more than prayer.

That is why we are very excited to host a seminar on prayer next Saturday with our good friend Bill Kittrell & CJ Mahaney!

As I (Walt) have told you before, there’s no one I enjoy hearing on prayer & Bible reading than Bill Kittrell, my good friend & the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church of Knoxville.

Bill & CJ will be sharing two sessions & a Q&A on the purpose & practice of prayer.

Mark your calendars! Invite your friends & family to come as well!

Here are all the details:

  • WHEN: Saturday, August 22 at 9:00am.

  • WHERE: The Barn at Faith Farms

  • WHAT ELSE: Childcare provided.

  • COST: It's FREE!

As Boyz II Men sang, "It's so hard to say goodbye...


This Sunday, we are sending off the Hollingsworths to Louisville, KY for Taylor to attend the Sovereign Grace Pastors College for the next 10 months.

The Pastors College is a 10-month school for training pastors in Louisville, KY. It is led by & specifically designed to serve our Sovereign Grace family of churches.

We are excited!

And we are sad, because we’re gonna miss them big time!

Join us this Sunday as we pray for them & send them out in style!

Details for Lake Day & a surprise for the younger kids!

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Are you ready to see Charlie Stewart do a double gainer off the boathouse? Or see Sam Olsen wakeboard on one leg?

If so—& if you’re a middle or high-schooler—join us for the LAKE DAY!

Details for the Lake Day are:

  • WHEN: Saturday, August 15 from 10am–4pm

  • WHERE: The Hills’ Lake House (directions below)

  • WHO: All middle & high-schoolers & friends. Parents, you are welcome to come too!

Directions to the Hills’ Lake House (299 Culvahouse Lane, 37880):

  • Follow Ingleside Ave out of town & continue on TN-305N for 12.7 miles

  • Turn Left onto TN-68N & follow for 4.6 miles

  • Turn Right onto TN-304N & follow for 6.4 miles

  • Turn Left onto Culvahouse Lane

  • Bear Right after a few hundred yards & the house is about .5 miles on your Left

  • You should see plenty of cars!

What about the rest of kids?

If your kids are bummed that they cannot go to the Lake Day, the Tinsmans are coming to the rescue for a special water day at their house!

Details for the Tinsman water extravaganza are:

  • WHEN: Saturday, August 15 from 10am–4pm

  • WHERE: The Tinsmans House (619 Englewood Ave)

  • WHAT: Two gigantic water slides & plenty of water play! Just what your kids need to beat the heat!

  • WHAT TO BRING: A picnic lunch, lawn chairs or picnic blanket, sunscreen, etc.

New book for Community Groups: The Discipline of Grace!


There are few books I (Walt) have returned to more than The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges! It is a classic.

This week, we will continue meeting as Men & Women & begin reading The Discipline of Grace together.

If you don’t own it & weren’t able to pick it up on Sunday, we have a ***FREE copy*** for you!

Stop by Walt’s office (219 E. Madison Ave) anytime on Tuesday or email him ( He will make sure you get a copy!

Men, start reading today & read “Chapter 1: How Good is Good Enough” for the meeting this Wednesday!

Mark your calendars for August!

Experts say….2020 is the longest year on record! (Or, at least it feels that way to me!)

Nevertheless, August is here & below are some upcoming events for August.


This month, as we continue to walk through this uncertain season, we will gathering as Community Groups as men & women on alternating weeks.

  • August 5: Men

  • August 12: Women

  • August 19: Men

  • August 26: Women

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Lake Day!

Middle & Highschoolers, mark your calendars for a day out on the lake of skiing, wake-boarding, & surfing (for those brave enough to try)! Of course, we’ll feed you well.

Details are:

  • Saturday, August 15

  • 10am–4pm

  • The Hills’ lake house

The address is 299 Culvahouse Lane, 37880. Or you can follow these simple directions:

  • Follow Ingleside Ave out of town & continue on TN-305N for 12.7 miles

  • Turn Left onto TN-68N & follow for 4.6 miles

  • Turn Right onto TN-304N & follow for 6.4 miles

  • Turn Left onto Culvahouse Lane

  • Bear Right after a few hundred yards & the house is about .5 miles on your Left

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Who doesn’t want to learn more about prayer? There are few disciplines in the Christian life that are harder & more intimidating.

We are very excited to have Bill Kittrell & CJ Mahaney coming to learn us in a seminar on prayer soon.

Details are:

  • Saturday, August 22

  • 9am–11:30am

  • Childcare for 0-4 years old is provided

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Need we say more!

High-schoolers, we’ll see you there!

New song: Your Will Be Done.

Yesterday, we introduced another wonderful song from CityAlight—Your Will Be Done.

Life brings situations at us that we don't like & don’t understand, like the current global health crisis. These situations are hard & seem to come continually. Nevertheless, armed with the truth of God’s Word, we can approach these situations quietly & courageously, praying for God’s will to be done & praying for our hearts to love it.

This new song Your Will Be Done helps us to do just that.

Take time to ponder the words & take them to heart.

Verse 1
Your will be done, my God and father
As in Heaven, so on earth
My heart is drawn to self exalting
Help me seek Your kingdom first

As Jesus walked, so I shall walk
Held by Your same unchanging love
Be still my soul
Oh, lift your voice and pray
Father not my will but Yours be done

Verse 2
How in that garden he persisted
I may never fully know
The fearful weight of true obedience
It was held by him alone

What wondrous faith, to bear that cross
To bear my sin, what wondrous love
My hope was sure
When there my Saviour prayed
Father not my will but Yours be done

Verse 3
When I am lost, when I am broken
In the night of fear and doubt
Still I will trust in my good Father
Yes, to one great King I bow!

As Jesus rose, so I shall rise
In ransomed glory at the throne
My heart restored
With all your saints I sing
Father, not my will but Yours be done

Verse 4
As we go forth, our God and Father
Lead us daily in the fight
That all the world might see Your glory
And Your Name be lifted high
And in this Name we overcome
For You shall see us safely home
Now as your church
We lift our voice and pray
Father, not my will but Yours be done

Ladies' Community Group this Wednesday night.


This Wednesday, the ladies are gathering together in Community Groups to discuss Carolyn Mahaney’s excellent article “Every Day’s a Bad Day.” [LINK]

If you are a lady & haven’t already, read it! It will encourage you!

And plan to attend one of the groups. Contact any of our Community Group leaders for more information.

Below are some questions to ponder & discuss together. (And, by the way, props to Elisabeth Hill for writing up these questions to serve our ladies!)


  1. Together, summarize the article into three main points.

  2. In her article, Mrs. Mahaney states, “We no longer fear bad news: not because we hope it’s not coming, but because we know it is coming… ‘That’s Ecclesiastes!’ In other words, God can be trusted; he told us this was going to happen.” What does that statement actually mean? How does it affect our lives?  Not just in the warm-fuzzy realm of the theoretical, but in the cold-prickly realm of reality?

  3. Take some time to share (either with everyone or a close friend) the “good gifts raining down upon us from the hand of God” in the form of “enjoyment in [your] toil.” Then consider the question Mrs. Mahaney posed in her article: “Consider: what is one way you can remind yourself to enjoy the gifts from God’s hand today?” What is a tangible reminder that shifts your perspective in this direction?  Examples: Scripture to memorize? Sticky-notes in a strategic spot? Song to sing? Prayer alerts?

  4. “Life under the sun is brutal, & it shows no signs of getting any easier.  Our work is cursed & will often, more likely than not, fail on some human level.  But the godly woman can face the future with peace & confidence; she even “laughs at the time to come” (Proverbs 31:25).  For the same God who told us that life is hard has told us that he is near (Psalm 34:18).” This paragraph harkens back to last Ladies’ Night’s discussion about how strong theology makes strong women.  Connecting these two articles, what are the strong theological truths (both mentioned in this article, & from your own mind) that direct our gaze heavenward?

Pray for our students going to Advance!

Many of our middle & high-school students are leaving today for several nights at the ADVANCE youth retreat in Dayton!

It’ll be 3 days jam-packed with messages, meals, conversations, free time, games, prayer, & more!

Let’s pray for them while they are there—that God would do more than we could ask or imagine in these several days set aside.

Pray specifically for them to:

  • encounter God in specific ways through his Word & the messages

  • build stronger relationships with parents & friends

  • deepen their understanding of the gospel & who God says they are in Christ

  • have fun

  • stay healthy!

Below are the list of students so that you can pray for them by name:

  • Isabel

  • Chase

  • Gavin

  • Ace

  • Brennan

  • Knox

  • Nathan

  • Kathryn

  • Samuel

  • John

  • Sarah

  • Abigail

  • Eliana

  • Annaleigh

  • Riley

  • Kaitlyn

  • Taylor

  • Seth

  • Jacob

  • Janelle

  • Keljan

  • Joelle

  • Marissa

  • Carson

  • Jason

Ladies Groups this week!


The posters of Rosie the Riveter called a nation of women to help the country by working in factories & doing whatever was necessary to win World War II!

The women of those days were anything but wimps.

The ladies of Trinity Grace are even stronger. They are no joke—ready to go wherever the Lord calls them! And we are so grateful!


This week, the ladies of Trinity Grace are gathering as Community Groups to discuss John Piper’s article The Ultimate Meaning of True Womanhood.

If you are looking for a Community Group, all the information for our groups is located here. Feel free to reach out to one of the leaders about when & where their group is meeting!

In the article, John Piper says, “Wimpy theology makes wimpy women.” Then, he seeks to unpack a solid theology for true womanhood.

Below are a few questions to add you as you read & think through the article:

  1. What stands out to you in the opening list of examples Piper shares? What do these women have in common? What women in your life fit in with those stories?

  2. What does Piper mean by the phrase, “Wimpy theology makes wimpy women”? What is he trying to warn against & why is it important in our present culture?

  3. If “wimpy theology makes wimpy women,” strong theology makes strong women.  What strong theological truths give strength for life as women?  What are some Scriptures that anchor these biblical truths? Examples: The Sovereignty of God (Job 42:2), The Good Purpose of His Will (Romans 8:28), The Surpassing Worth of Christ (Philippians 3:8), etc.

  4. In the book Delighting in the Trinity:

    • Michael Reeves states: “There is something about the relationship & difference between the man & the woman, Adam & Eve, that images the being of God—something we saw the Apostle Paul pick up on in 1 Corinthians 11:13. Eve is a person quite distinct from Adam, & yet she has all her life & being from Adam. She comes from his side, is bone of his bones & flesh of his flesh, & is one with him in the flesh (Gen. 2:21-24). . . . [T]hat reflects a personal God, a Son who is distinct from his Father, & yet who is of the very being of the Father, and who is eternally one with him in the Spirit.” 

    • Piper says something similar in the article: “True womanhood is indispensable in God’s purpose to display the fullness of the glory of his Son.”

    • In a culture that screams for equality in the form of sameness & interchangeability, what beauty is found in true womanhood? Why did God create woman? What did God call woman to live for? 

  5. What specific ways can women glorify God as true women, whether married & single?

  6. What specific way does this article spur you on to glorify God in your present life & situation?

Baptisms—this coming Sunday!

This Sunday, we are mixing things up a bit.

We plan to have an abbreviated service & continue worshipping by celebrating the baptism of the following 4 individuals in the nearby rambling creek:

  • Samuel Larson

  • Abigail Olsen

  • Seth Stewart

  • Carson Tinsman

What a joy!

And what a humbling reminder of God’s faithfulness & commitment to extend his gospel from generation to generation!

Join us in praying for Samuel, Abigail, Seth, & Carson & their families, as we prepare our hearts to gather this Sunday!

Tomorrow is a happy day!


Tomorrow is a happy day.

It is easy right now to get overwhelmed with the news coming out every minute—on top of all the other daily anxieties.

But we would be wise to heed the ever-quotable Charles Spurgeon’s counsel:

A Christian can look forward to tomorrow with joy. Tomorrow is a happy day. It is one stage nearer to glory, one step nearer to heaven, one more mile sailed across life’s dangerous sea, one mile closer to home.

Phase 3 of Reopening Trinity Grace?!

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The Psalmist said, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” 

It has been so good to begin re-gathering as a church.  There is no substitute for the saints gathering together in person to worship God & stir one another up to love & good works (Heb. 10:24).

I (Walt) want us to continue meeting together each week through the summer.

In order to do so, incorporating the counsel of trusted leaders & medical professionals, we believe we need to make a few adjustments to how we gather.

As you know, on Monday, Governor Lee extended the Safer At Home Executive Order through the end of August, because of the rising number of positive cases in Tennessee.  In addition, yesterday I met with Mayor Gentry to discuss the rising number of positive cases in our community, including several recent outbreaks.

It is now the general consensus that we should be most careful when gathering with people indoors for an extended period of time.

Since gathering together as a church is one of times, beginning this week:

  • We will offer the upstairs balcony as a masks-required area for folks who would feel most comfortable there.

  • We encourage everyone to wear a mask during singing. They are not required for the whole meeting.  However, singing is widely considered the most vulnerable moment for churches, of unknowingly spreading the virus to one another.

As we have in the past month or so:

  • We will continue with physical distancing between rows. 

  • We will continue to disinfect all chairs, handles, surfaces, & restrooms prior to the service.

  • We will continue to offer TGKids as an option for children 4 & under during the sermon. However, in addition to checking each of the childcare workers temperature & having them wear masks, we will check the temperature of each child during check-in.

  • We ask the sick to stay home. 

  • We encourage folks 65-years-old or older or with pre-existing conditions to prayerfully consider whether they should stay home or not. 

I hope & pray we are through this very soon. Nevertheless, I count it a privilege to stand united with you in trusting God in the midst of this season.

Community Group Meetings in July.

Our Community Groups have been doing a whole lot of social distancing around the fire—& we have loved it!

As we begin another month, it seems wise for our Community Groups to only gather as men & women for the month of July.

The dates for July are below, along with articles we will review for each meeting. Contact your Community Group leader for more information.

Wednesday Mail: What's Best Next?

Trinity Grace:

I must confess. . . . Sometimes I wish I were born in a different generation. 

I wish I could have defended the gospel in the Protestant Reformation.  I wish I could have signed the Declaration of Independence.  I wish I could have preached the gospel during the Second Great Awakening.  I wish I could have stormed the beaches of Normandy.  I wish I could have lived through the Jesus Movement & all the wonderful things the Lord was doing then.

I wish I could have lived in a different generation & in different circumstances.

Why?  Because life seemed so clear & purposeful in those days.

Unlike today. 

Where we work on the never-ending line at the local manufacturer.  Where we provide healthcare to a continuously full waiting room.  Where we do load after load of laundry, only to find a few more loads waiting.  Where we just barely inch by each month with little change. Where we fall asleep to the same old TV shows & wake up to the same old troubles.

Gradually, these things begin to wear on us & we long to live in different days & in different circumstances.

Interestingly, the Bible consistently teaches that contentment is only found when you give yourself completely to the circumstances you’re in.  

1 Corinthians 7 tells us life is ordered carefully & purposefully by God’s plan. Verse 17 says, “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, & to which God has called him.”  Verse 24 adds, “…in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God.” 

Life unfolds as the Lord assigns. 

Much like a teacher lays out assignments for those in her classroom, so too the Lord assigns us a place to live & things to do for him.  It is right here—right where we are right now with all its inconveniences & troubles—where God is & has called us to remain with him.

Joy & purpose in life is not found outside our present circumstances but in them.

So, I want us to give ourselves completely to where we are.  To put on waders & have the hard conversations we’ve been putting off.  To do the chores we don’t like.  To love the people that are our neighbors, not the ones we wish were our neighbors.  To find friends who don’t just tell us what we want to hear.  To take up the problems around us as if they were our own.

Jeremiah Burroughs, in his wonderful little book The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, wrote, “I know of nothing more effective for quieting a Christian soul & getting contentment than this, setting your heart to work in the duties of the immediate circumstances that you are now in.”    

That’s incredible. Nothing more effective!

I keep the apostle Paul’s example from Acts 27–28. On the way to Rome, none of his circumstances were ideal for someone called to preach the gospel. He was in chains & unable to preach where he wanted, yet the Lord used him in a powerful way. He gave himself to where he was. He became the leader of the ship, giving guidance to the sailors & Roman officials. He guided 276 people safely to shore. Once shipwrecked, he visited many & healed many on the island of Malta.

Let us give ourselves completely to where we are—trusting that when we do, we will find the joy & purpose we long for. 

Grace & peace,
