Honoring True Fatherhood: A Testimony From Kaitlyn Akers

The following is a transcript from Kaitlyn Akers as she honored her dad, JD:

Last week Walt preached about how “a man gladly takes up sacrificial responsibility to provide for and protect others in appropriate ways to the glory of God.” 

So I wanted to tell you about one amazing man in my life. 

When I was 6 years old and my mom was pregnant with twins, my biological father decided he no longer wanted a family. He walked away, taking everything, and shedding every ounce of responsibility he had and never looked back. I remember everyone that stepped in to help us survive during that season wondering how was my mom going to make it alone with 3 kids. But little did we know Gods plan for our lives. 3 months after she delivered the twins, she reconnected with a high school friend, who was actually her old prom date!

They started dating and some of my family members were worried that it was happening too quickly. But they were all over at our house one day and JD walked in. I screamed his name from across the house and leaped into his arms. My mom’s brother then looked at my mom and asked: “So when are you getting married?” And that question was answered about 1 year later. 

A man gladly takes up sacrificial responsibility, and that is exactly what JD Akers did. He always says that he fell in love with us as quickly as he did my mom. Even before they were married he helped my mom provide for us. He became the dad my brothers and I so desperately needed. He is the man that stepped up and took on the responsibility that one man shed. He taught me how to follow the Lord even when it means going completely against what the world preaches. He taught me how to ride a bike without training wheels. He taught me how to be bold and brave, but that he was always there to catch me. He taught me that a penalty flag thrown on to a football field is not a rubber chicken. He is not only my dad he is one of my best friends…and he will never ever leave. 

    That is why I chose to honor him in one special way, to show everyone that being a dad is so much more than sharing DNA. This Father’s Day I presented him with a gift. I legally changed my last name to Akers to honor him and to share my last name with the man that sacrificially provides and protects us both physically and spiritually on a daily basis. He is my daddy, my pa, and I am honored and excited to officially be Kaitlyn Akers. 

Announcements + Sunday Recap


What is Woman For?

June 25, 2023 || Genesis 2:18 - 25 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: A woman gladly takes up sacrificial responsibility to help, nurture life, & adorn true beauty in appropriate ways for the glory of God.

  1. The Woman.

  2. The Mission.

  3. The Mandate.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Four Men in the Furnace

Scripture: Daniel 3

Bible Truth: Our God is Able to Deliver Us.

Where is Jesus: Hebrews 11:34

In the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, there is an obvious answer to “Where is Jesus?” The Son of God was with them in the fire as the fourth person. Just as God was willing to come down to earth to save them from the fire, so Jesus was willing to come down to earth as a man to save us from our sins. God delivers these men from the flames so that not even their clothing is singed!

Though not mentioned by name in Hebrews 11:34, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego certainly “quenched the power of fire.” These three men are a part of the “great cloud of witnesses” that the book of Hebrews says should motivate us to look to Jesus (Hebrews 12:1–2).

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


VBS: Stories of Radical Rescue

WHEN: July 19- 21 | 2 - 4 pm | YMCA

WHAT: Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA as we proclaim the good news about the radical rescue of Jesus Christ?

If so, click the button below to sign up and receive more information.

Lawn Care & Prayer

WHEN: July 8 | 8am - 12pm

WHAT: We want to freely give to people in our community as a small expression of how Christ has freely given to us in the gospel by serving folks who may struggle to maintain their lawn for one reason or another. Our Lawn Care & Prayer teams will consist of people like you who will physically care for the person through mowing or spiritually care for the person through prayer.

Click below for more information on how to serve.

Why Serve Days?

This Summer, we have the joy of participating in several different Serve Days.

Though the opportunities are diverse, the driving aim of these days is to help us engage in the Great Commission:

Mat 28:19-20 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

The mission of going, disciple-making, baptizing, and teaching are all features of reproducing local churches. The pattern demonstrated in scripture includes going to where people live, preaching the gospel, gaining converts, gathering new believers into local churches, instructing believers in the faith, appointing elders, and then repeating. In this way, local churches are both the goal and the means of making disciples. Once a new local church is established in a particular region, those believers continue to learn, grow, and live out the Kingdom ethic in that community.

So, we are a church that has been planted in McMinn County. What does it look like for us to continue living in light of this Great Commission? Part of what we want to do is focus our energy and resources as a church toward opportunities for evangelism and strengthening local churches. Making disciples by nature means helping non-followers become followers of Jesus. This is at the heart of evangelism. Additionally, once people are following Jesus, we want to do what we can to help them grow to love the Lord more and other people more.

Below are a few ways we are seeking to honor the Lord with these Serve Days this Summer - we would love for you to prayerfully consider jumping in where possible as an expression of praising the Lord with your gifts and serving others for his glory!


We want to bless other local churches who are laboring for the gospel. One area pastor and friend, Jacob Stockner, welcomed us to help renovate a building so that their congregation could have a place to regularly gather on Sundays. We were happy to help serve these brothers and sisters in many practical ways.



We want to freely give to people in our community as a small expression of how Christ has freely given to us in the gospel. One way we aim to do that is by serving folks who may struggle to maintain their lawn for one reason or another. On Saturday, July 8, we want to send out teams to serve. Each team will consist of people like you who will physically care for the person through mowing or spiritually care for the person through prayer.

  • Do you know anyone who may be blessed by a Lawn Care and Prayer Team visit (single moms, widows, elderly, disabled...etc.) in the Athens area?

  • Are you interested in helping serve on our Lawn Care & Prayer Team?

If the answer is “Yes!” to EITHER of these questions, click below…



Our friends at the YMCA have generously offered to let us come into their summer day camp and facilitate a condensed version of Vacation Bible School from Wednesday, July 19 - Friday, July 21. The theme is "Radical Rescue." Through a combination of stories, drama, games, and crafts, we will draw out the radical rescue we find in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our aim is to leave kids with an amazement at the power, kindness, and goodness of God.

Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA? Sign up below and we’ll give you more details about how you can be a part of the team that proclaims the good news about the radical rescue of Jesus Christ!



There are many people in our community, for one reason or another, that will not venture into a church service. But as Christians, we don’t have to wait until they come to us. The wonder of our faith begins with a God who left the comforts of heaven in order to pursue us while we were still his enemies. So, we have a wonderful precedent to intentionally pursue people with the love of Christ. One way we aim to do that is by connecting with our neighbors through a block party.

Our friends at the YMCA have generously agreed to allow us to host a party behind the YMCA on Saturday, August 12 from 11am-2pm.

This will be a time to enjoy what we have in common with all people (regardless of whether or not they are Christians, yet). We will enjoy music, food, games, and community. These things should be a delight for all of us! However, we also want to provide a context to share about the Giver of all good gifts. We want to proclaim the hope of the gospel in Jesus Christ.

So, in addition to the fun, we aim to share the gospel in two ways. First will be through a public dance performance by Enoch Contemporary Ballet outlining the story of the gospel. The second is to set up a booth for free bibles and prayer. Hopefully, both of these will provide space for a clear presentation of the gospel and conversation.

To create the context for our church members to connect with our neighbors, we will need to combine our efforts in a number of ways to serve. There are numerous ways to plug in! If you are available and interested in serving, click below.



We pray that, by God’s grace, many will become followers of Jesus and his church will be built up as we live for him in our community. May God help us as we learn to walk in dependence on him and love our neighbors as ourselves.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


What is Man For?

June 18, 2023 || Genesis 2:4 - 17 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: A man gladly takes up sacrificial responsibility to provide for & protect others in appropriate ways for the glory of God.

  1. The Man (v.4-7).

  2. The Mission (v.8-15).

  3. The Mandate (v.16-17).



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Scripture: Daniel 2:1-49

Bible Truth: God’s Wisdom Prevails.

Where is Jesus: Romans 9:32-33

The most important part of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was the part about a great rock from God that destroyed the statue and grew into a mountain and filled the whole earth.

The rock was a picture of Jesus Christ and the mountain a picture of God’s kingdom. Throughout the Bible, God uses a rock or stone to represent his work on the earth. Another example is when water came out from a rock in the desert for the children of Israel to drink.

Later in the New Testament, we are told that the rock in the desert represents Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4). Jesus compared a life lived for God to a house that was strong and sturdy because it was built on the rock of God’s truth (Matthew 7:24). The apostle Paul said that the rock of God’s truth is Jesus (Romans 9:33).

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


VBS: “Stories of Radical Rescue”

WHEN: July 19- 21, 2 - 4 pm at the YMCA

WHAT: Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA as we proclaim the good news about the radical rescue of Jesus Christ?

If so, click the button below to sign up and receive more information.

If you are between 6th-12th grade, you are welcome to join us for the Red Clay Pool Day this Saturday weather permitting! The cost is $9. There are concessions available if you'd like to bring extra money. Parents are welcome to join, but we can arrange for youth who need a ride. Please contact Camille Lopez.

Sabbath Keeping: Thoughts on Resting in God

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. - Gen 2:1-3

Are there any boundaries between our work and rest? And what should work and rest look like? Our rhythm of work and rest actually reveals something about who our God is and what we think about him. It’s been said that “Without Christ, we will work even while we are resting. And with Christ, we will rest even while we are working.” This passage is foundational for recasting work and rest in light of our great God so that we can be truly refreshed and filled with joy as his people.

This past Sunday, we attempted to trace out the unfolding theme of the Sabbath and the implications it has for our lives as Christians. The main point of the message was that we should rest from work one day each week in order to gather with the people of God to celebrate our Creator and Redeemer.

But, what does it look like to actually apply this to our lives?


If you’ve been struggling with what this could look like, then the following may serve you. In her helpful book, “Keeping the Sabbath Wholly,” Marva Dawn has outlined four categories to aid us in practically applying this Sabbath rest as Christians.


The rest of Genesis 2 is not rest from fatigue. Rather, this rest describes ceasing in order to enjoy accomplishment and celebrate completion. In the hymn “Come Away From Rush and Hurry” we see these lyrics:

Come away from rush and hurry

to the stillness of God’s peace;

From our vain ambition’s worry,

come to Christ and find release.

Come away from noise and clamor,

life’s demands and frenzied pace.

The first step to true rest is simply ceasing.

Dawn writes:

“A great benefit of Sabbath keeping is that we learn to let God take care of us - not by becoming passive and lazy, but in the freedom of giving up our feeble attempts to be God in our own lives.”

So, what do we cease from? How do we make sure we’re not being Pharisees who burden the Sabbath down with unintended rule-keeping and enjoy the refreshment intended by Christ - the Lord of the Sabbath. After all, the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28). Dawn helpfully articulates several ways we can practically cease to make room for true rest.

  • Cease work - To cease work means to quit laboring at anything that is work. Activity that is enjoyable and freeing and not undertaken for the purpose of accomplishment qualifies as rest.

  • Cease productivity and accomplishment - Trying to accomplish a lot is one of the ways we seek to satisfy the deepest longing of our existence. But true rest is found in Christ’s accomplishments for us, rather than our own. Ceasing from this pursuit reminds us that we are precious in God’s sight, not because of what we produce, but because we are loved.

  • Cease anxiety, worry, and tension - Sabbath keeping reminds us that we don’t have the power to fix the world, so we choose to rest in the One who does have all power. This is not running away from problems, but an opportunity to receive grace to face our problems.

  • Cease trying to be God - Our ceasing acknowledges that we are creatures dependent on the Creator.


Martin Luther once wrote:

“The spiritual rest which God especially intends in this commandment [to keep the Sabbath holy] is that we not only cease from our labor and trade but much more - that we let God alone work in us and that in all our powers do we do nothing of our own.”

Unlike God the Creator, our rest does include a dimension of fatigue. But this is not merely physical. As creatures, we need to be rejuvenated and refreshed in a number of ways. Here are some ways we can rest on the Sabbath:

  • Spiritual rest - True rest is anchored in peace. But not just any peace - like the tranquility of a mountain stream or an Eastern emptying meditation. Particularly peace with God!

  • Physical rest - This is another declaration of our dependence on the Lord. We are able to stop and enjoy physical recovery so that we are more energized for the work in the six days ahead as we serve the Lord.


Sabbath keeping is not only about taking away, but also about embracing. One of the main reasons for being deliberate in this work-rest cycle each week is to recover more firmly the different set of values we embrace because we are God’s people.

Here are some ways we can embrace these values:

  • Embrace the value of Christian community - We choose to spend time, especially in the weekly gathering of the church, with the company of others committed to God, remembering our identity as his people together, and celebrating our unity in his grace. Both in the gathering of the church and in smaller clusters of relationships, we have the opportunity to deepen our bonds through sharing time with other believers.

  • Embrace time instead of space - By observing a Sabbath rest, we embrace a focus on relationships in time rather than using time to acquire or accomplish things. We are not out to conquer, we rest in the one who has conquered death on our behalf.


True rest is found in not only ceasing our work, but also in seeing and celebrating God. In light of this, we should indulge in the things that delight our hearts in our great God.

In the words of Marva Dawn:

“Observing the Sabbath includes not only the freedom from, and repentance for, work and worry (ceasing), the renewing of our whole being in grace-based faith (resting), and the intentionality of our choosing and valuing (embracing), but also the fun and festivity of a weekly eschatalogical [future hope] party…Our weekly celebrations help us to be more aware that God is eternally present, but the fact that our short-lived Sabbath celebrations are but a foretaste of the eternal feast that we will someday enjoy in God’s presence.”

Here are a few ways to feast on the Sabbath:

  • Feast on music - Eph 5:19 says “...addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart…” We are encouraged to make music to the Lord and for the encouragement of other believers. The style is not the most important aspect. What matters is how the Holy Spirit uses the music to marinate our minds with the sweetness of the gospel.

  • Feast on beauty - Observing the Sabbath gives us the opportunity to celebrate God’s creative and redemptive accomplishments on our behalf. Knowing God is the perfect Creator, we spend the day delighting in the beauties of his creation and thereby growing in our love for the Master designer and Craftsmen. Enjoying art or a well-crafted book or natural beauty are but a handful of ways we can use to delight in the God who created it all!

  • Feast with food - Historically, Sabbath feasting on the day of rest was intended to contrast the meager meals on the days of work. A weekly feast on the Lord’s Day pointed to the celebration of the gospel with God’s people while looking forward to full redemption. Feasting with food and the people of God can indicate our distinction as those who have been rescued from death to life - tidings of “great joy.”

  • Feast with affection - Spending time with other believers allows us to display affection in a number of ways. We can serve one another, pray for one another, play with one another, eat with one another, and outdo one another by giving honor. Taking time to be “others-focused” is a unique contrast to our culture’s insistence on running for personal gain.


In the song ‘Come Away From Rush and Hurry,” we see this wonderful line:

In the pastures of God’s goodness

We lie down to rest our soul.

From the waters of his mercy

We drink deeply, are made whole.

At the table of his presence

all his saints are richly fed.

With the oil of his anointing

into service we are led.

This captures the rest intended by God. Rather than falling into the ditches of self-interest characterized by both frenzy and sloth, God’s rest is an invitation to his created and redeemed people to cease from working in order to celebrate the Lord together.

In the words of Marva Dawn:

When the Sabbath is finally fulfilled, our divisions and weaknesses will cease forever. We will rest eternally in God’s grace and love. We will embrace his kingdom and sovereignty ultimately and perfectly. We will feast unceasingly in his presence.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


The Sabbath

June 11, 2023 || Genesis 2:1-3 || Taylor Hollingsworth

SUMMARY: Are there any boundaries between our work and rest? And what should work and rest look like? Our rhythm of work and rest actually reveals something about who our God is and what we think about him. It’s been said that “Without Christ, we will work even while we are resting. And with Christ, we will rest even while we are working.” This passage is foundational for recasting work and rest in light of our great God so that we can be truly refreshed and filled with joy as his people.

MAIN POINT: Rest from work one day each week in order to gather with the people of God to celebrate our Creator and Redeemer.

  1. God’s Rest.

  2. Our Unrest.

  3. Entering God’s Rest.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The Fall of Jerusalem

Scripture: 2 Kings 23:28 -37; 2 Chronicles 36:1-23

Bible Truth: God’s Judgement comes when his people do not repent.

Where is Jesus: Jeremiah 23:5-6

God sent his prophet Jeremiah to warn the kings of Judah. The kings did not listen to Jeremiah, and in the end, there was no remedy—God allowed Jerusalem to be ransacked and the people carried into captivity (2 Chronicles 36:16).

God, however, was not finished speaking through Jeremiah. Jeremiah said that God would give his people another king from the line of David. This king would be a “righteous Branch” and he would be called “The Lord is our righteousness” (Jeremiah 23:5–6). Jesus is that King!

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


VBS: “Stories of Radical Rescue”

WHEN: July 19- 21, 2 - 4 pm at the YMCA

WHAT: Are you interested in helping serve at this year’s VBS at the YMCA as we proclaim the good news about the radical rescue of Jesus Christ?

If so, click the button below to sign up and receive more information.

Genesis Resources

Genesis raises some of the most foundational & fundamental questions about life: Who is God? How did all things come into existence? What is man? What is woman? What is marriage? What is sin?

Our culture disputes many of the answers Genesis gives—which is not surprisingly. However, professing Christians disagree on many of the answers Genesis gives.

There are few books of the Bible more in need of in-depth study right now than the book of Genesis.

“In the sphere of religion, as in other spheres, the things about which men are agreed are apt to be the things that are least worth holding; the really important things are the things about which men will fight. In the sphere of religion, in particular, the present time is a time of conflict.” J. Gresham Machen

The really important things are the things about which men will fight.

Click below for a list of recommended resources to arm you for the fight.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


God’s Good Purpose

June 4, 2023 || Genesis 1:26-31 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: Let the lives of the godly be deeply committed to worship, community, and work.

  1. Worship. God is the Creator. We are the created. It makes us accountable to God. We owe our existence and our allegiance to God. As a result, this also points to our call to worship God.

  2. Community. We are invited into a relationship with God. We were created by a triune God and reflect this relational capacity in our design for community.

  3. Work. The scripture calls us to work (verse 28) by five commands: fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and have dominion. All work is good when done under God.

    We should devote ourselves to these three things - worship, community, work.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Josiah, the Eight-Year-Old King

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 34:1-33

Bible Truth: God’s Word will never pass away.

Where is Jesus: Matthew 5:17–20

Though Amon forgot the Word of the Lord and it was lost for a season, God ensured that it would not be lost for good. It was God’s mercy to allow Amon to be killed and young Josiah to be made king. It was God who gave Josiah a heart for righteousness, and it was God who led him to preserve the Word of God and the promise of a coming deliverer, Jesus.

Jesus is called “the Word” in the Gospel of John. God in his faithfulness would not let his Word pass away because his Word is all about his Son, Jesus. The Word of God describes the sinfulness of man and the promise of redemption by God through Jesus. Not the smallest portion of God’s Word will pass away until it is accomplished.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


TGC Serve Day

WHEN: Saturday, June 10 | 9:30 am

WHAT: We are blessed to get to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mountainside Community Bible Church as they renovate their new building!

Click the button below to sign up for TGC’s Serve Day.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


God’s Good Design

May 28, 2023 || Genesis 1:26-31 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: Let us celebrate & adorn the good design of male & female in the image of God wherever we can. 

  1. All people are created in the image of God.

  2. All people are created male or female.

  3. All people have dignity, value, & worth.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Jonah & Nineveh

Scripture: Jonah 1—4

Bible Truth: God’s grace extends beyond Israel’s borders.

Where is Jesus: Matthew 12:39–40

Jesus tells us that the three days Jonah spent in the belly of a fish was a picture foretelling the time that Jesus’ crucified body would be in the grave before the resurrection.

God had a plan to rescue Jonah from his sin of disobedience. God’s plan for Jonah involved three days swallowed up in a fish. Jonah found his salvation in God. In the end, Jonah was released and went on to preach repentance to Nineveh.

God has a plan to rescue us from our sin through Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and spent three days in the grave swallowed up by death. But death could not hold him and on the third day he rose again. Now the message of repentance and faith in Christ is proclaimed all over the world. The question for us is, will we trust in him?

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


TGC Serve Day

WHEN: Saturday, June 10 | 9:30 am

WHAT: We are blessed to get to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mountainside Community Bible Church as they renovate their new building!

Click the button below to sign up for TGC’s Serve Day.

Sunday Preview: May 28, 2023 at the YMCA

Lemonade On The Lawn!

This Sunday, plan to stick around after the service for some refreshing lemonade and even more refreshing fellowship!

Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, lawn games, and lunch and let’s enjoy these good gifts together.

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, May 28, 2023


Call to Worship: Hebrews 4:14-16

Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery

O My Soul Arise

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 49:15-16

Before The Throne Of God Above

Sermon: Genesis 1:26-31 // God's Good Design

There Is One Gospel



In The Beginning: Theories of Creation

In July 1925, a highly publicized trial took place in Dayton, TN. The “Scopes Monkey Trial” centered on a high school teacher named John Scopes who was accused of violating Tennessee’s Butler Act, which made it illegal for teachers to teach the theory of evolution in state-funded schools. The trial was deliberately staged in Dayton in order to attract publicity as two high-profile lawyers agreed to represent each side of the case. William Jennings Bryan, three-time presidential candidate and former secretary of state, argued for the prosecution, while Clarence Darrow served as the defense attorney for Scopes.

The trial brought the fundamentalist-modernist controversy to the national center-stage, pushing people to wrestle through the implications of creation or evolution. At the heart of the debate was the question of the relationship between God and modern science. How did the world begin? How did we get here? Who is in charge? How do we know?

There are few questions more important than these. The answers we give to these questions are foundational to how we understand meaning, purpose, authority, morality and so much more. Though we are nearly 100 years removed from the Scopes Monkey Trial, we still must think through our answers to the questions of how the world began, how we got here, who’s in charge, and how do we know.

Now, with all that being said, it is also important to note that we can be subject to creating false dichotomies. For instance, Christians at one time generally held to geocentrism as something that was clearly and definitely taught in scripture. When increasing evidence was produced to show that the earth actually rotated around the sun, a false dichotomy was created between science and the bible. The problem was not that the bible was untrustworthy and science was a superior authority. The problem in this case was the misinterpretation of biblical texts that seemed to be incompatible with scientific findings. 

On the other hand, the revelation of God’s Word in the Bible is our supreme authority. We believe God is sovereign over his creation. Therefore, the scientific method is only helpful insofar as it bears truthful witness to the measurable material of the world God has created. We recognize that science is good. But it is also limited. Morality, aesthetics, how to use knowledge, and the supernatural are all outside the realm of science.

So, yes, the foundational questions about our beginnings are important. But, we also want to be aware of the boundary markers of where the Bible speaks clearly and where we begin to draw inferences. We must be careful not to create false dichotomies. We must not demand the Bible to answer our questions on our terms. In light of these parameters, we want to explore some of the primary theories regarding creation. There are some theories that are clearly outside the boundaries of orthodox Christian teaching. However, there are other theories that seek to provide a plausible Christian framework for how to understand the creation account.

Foundational Beliefs About Creation

Our statement of faith sums up the biblical teaching on creation this way:

In the beginning, the triune God freely created out of nothing the universe and everything in it by the word of his power, all for his own pleasure and the display of his glory…As supreme Creator, God is separate from and transcendent over all he has made.


God created the universe out of nothing. He did not use pre-existing materials, but spoke the universe into existence by himself.

  • Gen 1:1 ESV - 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

  • Psa 33:6, 9 ESV - 6 By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host. ... 9 For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm.

  • Jhn 1:3 ESV - 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

  • Rev 4:11 ESV - 11 "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

God calls into existence what did not previously exist

  • Rom 4:17 ESV - 17 as it is written, "I have made you the father of many nations"--in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.

There is no matter in the universe that is eternal. All things came into existence when God created them.

  • Psa 90:2 ESV - 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.


God is “transcendent” (above) the creation. He is greater than the creation and independent of creation. At the same time, the Bible teaches that God is involved in creation. The technical word is “immanent.” The Bible is the story of God’s involvement in creation.

  • Job 12:10 ESV - 10 In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.

  • Act 17:25, 28 ESV - 25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. ... 28 for "'In him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your own poets have said, "'For we are indeed his offspring.'

  • Col 1:17 ESV - 17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

  • Heb 1:3 ESV - 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high

False Theories About Creation

With these foundational matters established, some theories are clearly inconsistent with scripture. 

Secular Theories - Any theory of the origin of the universe that does not see an infinite-personal God as responsible for creating the universe by intelligent design or any theories that hold that matter has always existed are outside the realm of orthodoxy. This includes philosophical materialism, because it denies the existence of God. Big Bang cosmology, the leading theory on the development of the known universe, is usually dependent on materialism. Evolution is also anti-biblical since it affirms something contrary to Scripture with a progressive change in species that erases the distinction of man being uniquely created in the image of God.

Theistic Evolution - This position holds that God intervened to start the process of evolution. But scripture teaches that there is purposefulness in God’s work of creation, not randomness. Scripture speaks of immediate change based on God’s creative word (Gen. 1:11). Plants and animals are said to reproduce according to their kind - indicating that there was differentiation from creation. Louis Berkhoff said - “theistic evolution is really a child of embarrassment, which calls God in at periodic intervals to help nature over the chasms that yawn at her feet. It is neither the biblical doctrine of creation, nor a consistent theory of evolution.”

Possible Theories About Creation

Gap Theory - Some have proposed a “gap” in time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This is where there were possibly millions or billions of years between God’s initial creation in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 which begins the 6 days of creation.

Day-Age Theory - Others have opted for the day-age view of the original 6 days of creation. They argue that “day” in Genesis 1 (Hebrew: yom) is actually a really long period of time. Just as the English word for ‘day’ can mean a long period of time.

Literary-Framework Theory - They propose that the 6 days of Genesis 1 are not intended to indicate a chronological sequence of events. Rather, the arrangement of the 6 days is a literary device the author uses to teach that God created everything and that the pinnacle of his creative activity was man. The days in Genesis 1 are a framework for creating and filling the universe. On the first three days, the basic structure of the universe were formed (light, darkness, sky, water, dry land separated). On the second three days, the universe was filled (sun, moon, stars, fish, birds, animals, and man). 

Young Earth Theory - This position holds that the age of the universe is relatively young. Though estimates vary, it’s usually dated to be between 6,000-20,000 years old – far younger than the 13.8 billion years proposed by modern cosmology. The biblical rationale for the young age of the universe includes:

  • Genesis 1 indicates there were 6 days of creation. It seems these are literal or normal days in the plain reading of the text.

  • The genealogies in the Bible tie back Adam to Abraham, David, and Jesus (Genesis 4, 5, 11, Matthew 1, Luke 3, etc.). Counting years from the genealogies can provide an estimate of how many years it’s been from the creation of Adam until today.

  • It could be that God created a young earth with the appearance of old age.

  • The Flood of Noah’s day was a tremendous natural force that significantly altered the face of the earth.


Though there is a spectrum of theories, they all desire to hold the line on the bible’s teaching that there is a God who is eternal, independent, transcendent, immanent, and personal. They all agree that God created the world, that he did not use evolution to create man and the variety of animals, and that the original creation was very good and created for his glory. In these things, many Bible-believing Christians tend to agree. 

Theologian Keith Mathison once said:

If the universe turns out to be six thousand years old, that fact will not ultimately conflict with what Scripture actually teaches. If the universe turns out to be billions of years old, that fact will not ultimately conflict with what Scripture actually teaches. We do not need to renounce Christianity in either case. Only if Christ is not risen from the dead is our faith in vain (1 Cor. 15:14).

How did the world begin? How did we get here? Who is in charge? How do we know? The scriptures teach us that God created the heavens and the earth. That is how we got here. He is in charge. There is a definitive purpose for all of his creation - including you and I. Colossians 1:16 says:

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


Our Comforting and Redeeming God

May 21, 2023 || 2 Corinthians 1 || Frank Lundy

MAIN POINT: Suffering is never random, and it is powerful in the hands of a comforting God.

1. Suffering reveals God's character (v. 3)

2. Suffering equips us to comfort others (v. 4)

3. Suffering enriches our intimacy with Christ (v. 5)

4. Suffering deepens our dependence upon God (vv. 6–11)



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: The Fall of Israel

Scripture: 2 Kings 17:6–15

Bible Truth: Judgment comes to those who refuse the loving warnings of God.

Where is Jesus: 2 Kings 17:15–17

When you look at Israel’s history, you can see the consequences that came to them when they turned away from the Lord. Their sin got so bad that in the end they were killing their children as sacrifices to their false gods.

God could have completely destroyed all of Israel because of their sin, but he didn’t because he had a plan to save his people. Although the northern kingdom was defeated and captured, God spared Jerusalem in the south. No matter how bad Israel’s sin became, the Lord did not abandon his people because he loved them. Later, when God allowed Jerusalem to be defeated, captured, and taken to Babylon, their captivity would last for only seventy years.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Lemonade on The Lawn

This Sunday, plan to stick around after the service for some refreshing lemonade and even more refreshing fellowship!

Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, lawn games, and lunch and let’s enjoy these good gifts together.

Sunday Preview: May 21, 2023 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, May 21, 2023


Call to Worship: Psalm 33:6–9

Praise His Name (Psalm 148)


Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:5–6

Bless The Lord O My Soul (Psalm 103)

His Mercy Is More

Sermon: 2 Corinthians 1 // Guest Speaker: Frank Lundy

My Soul Will Wait


Announcements + Sunday Recap


None Greater

May 14, 2023 || Genesis 1:1-31 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: There is none greater, we must revere & rely on the Lord alone.

1. God is absolutely sovereign over all life.

2. God creates & rules through his powerful Word.

3. God redeems from darkness to life & chaos to blessing.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

This week, TGKids celebrated Mother’s Day! Thank you to all our wonderful TGC Moms for all you do!


Community Groups this week!

Community Groups meeting this week! For more information about how to connect, click the button below!

Guest Speaker this Sunday!

This Sunday, we welcome Frank Lundy as a guest speaker! Frank is a student at Sovereign Grace’s Pastor’s College.

Sunday Preview: May 14, 2023 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, May 14, 2023


Call to Worship: Psalm 36:7–9

All People That On Earth Do Dwell

Only A Holy God

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:4-6

O Great God

Here I Am To Worship

Baby Dedications

Sermon: Genesis 1:1-31 // In The Beginning

Praise His Name (Psalm 148)

Benediction: Numbers 6;24-26

Baptism Testimony: Dana Tumlin

This past Sunday, we had the joy of hearing a testimony of God’s faithful pursuit of Dana Tumlin. We rejoiced with her as she was baptized to signify her union with Christ in his death, burial, and resurrection. The following is what she shared with the church on Sunday:

It is an honor to be here with you today and to have the opportunity to share a few snapshots of Gods grace in my life that have led me to proclaim my faith through baptism today. 

I was baptized at the age of 12. I remember it being a special time but as I think back, I have a clear understanding that that special time was not when I was born again.

Fast forward to the age of 39. 

Kevin and I had been married for seven years when we happily discovered I was pregnant with our second child. The results from the initial ultrasound were not filled with joy and excitement. We were told that the pregnancy was not viable/there was no heartbeat. Confusion and fear set in and the doctor gave us a choice. Either wait for my body to rid itself of the fetus naturally or take a dose of medication that would lessen my discomfort and shorten the process. Although Kevin and I had decided to wait, I was struggling. The idea of taking a single pill to reduce my pain, sickness and fear became very enticing. That’s when the Lord stepped in to show me that He was in control of all of it! Not me! While listening to a sermon about trusting God, I felt God gave me direct instruction to refuse the medication. To wait on Him. One week later a follow up ultrasound revealed the joy of a strong heartbeat!  Alice, our 13 year old daughter, is my precious and constant reminder of the Lord’s control and kindness over my life. 

Through my forties my faith seemed to be growing. I was living a blessed life. Raising two beautiful children, running two businesses that were both successful and flourishing and joyfully returning to the stage to perform with a local ballet company. 

Unfortunately, I was also living out my lifelong habits and sins of selfishness and pride! My marriage was consumed with an underlying tone of frustration and hurt. So much so that I chose to prioritize my children, my businesses and my passions over my husbands needs. As a result we fell into living more like roommates than souls brought together by God. Something had to change and I thought that “something” had to be Kevin! 

Boy was I wrong! As I crept closer to turning 50 the Lord began to show me that the only way to experience God’s fullness in my marriage was to surrender everything!  My selfishness and pride, my successes, my passions and even my strong body. Jesus aligned me with a marriage mentor and surrounded me with a small community of women for support. In a very short amount of time Jesus taught me a great deal about my God given role as a wife. He showed me the tender heart He had placed in Kevin and my responsibility to be his helpmate. My surrendering it all led to my first real sense that the Holy Spirit was working in me and changing me.

In that instant, I believe God caused me to be born again! The Holy Spirit replaced my heart of stone with a heart of flesh! He put in me a heart that desired to please him above all. He put in my heart a desire for my husbands company above everything else! He reprioritized my life! Under God, Kevin became my #1 human assignment, my closest neighbor! The sadness and frustration had been replaced with joy, and a deep desire to continue to grow closer to Jesus. 

Two weeks later, I was struck down with an unexplained herniation in my neck. Excruciating pain and fear threatened to take away the new found joy and peace in my marriage. Kevin and I agreed that we were fighting spiritual warfare! Praise be to God for making us a team ready to fight this battle and win!

Throughout this season, I have seen what can only be described as God’s perfect plan of refining and repurposing my life to glorify Him! 2 months after a full recovery from the neck injury, I focused on regaining my physical strength but the Lord had more He needed me to endure. He blessed (remember that word!) me with the diagnosis of a bone disease that would force me to close my businesses, hang up my passion of performing ballet and greatly reduce my ability to be as physically active as I was accustomed to. 

How does the Lord “bless” someone by removing just about everything that encompassed her identity for most of her life? 

He gave me ABUNDANTLY MORE! I have the love of Jesus. I have His assurance that life in eternity is eminent. I get to have a husband who I adore. I get to have two children who make me proud to be their mother. And I get to have a new calling that requires someone to pinch me everyday - it’s that impactful in the Kingdom! 

God’s not done with me yet! But I am eager and ready to publicly proclaim my trust in him and that He is my Comforter, my Anchor, my Savior!

Announcements + Sunday Recap


The God Who Is There

May 7, 2023 || Genesis 1:1-2 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: Your life is not about you—The meaning of your life is found in the story of God & his gracious covenant.

1. God is eternal.

2. God makes promises—and keeps them.

3. God gives grace.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Naaman Is Cured

Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1–16

Bible Truth: God welcomes repentant sinners but casts out the hypocrites.

Where is Jesus: 1 Peter 2:24

Just as God healed Naaman, so we look to God for our healing. Peter tells us that we can be healed because of the finished work of Christ. Healing is possible for us because of what Jesus did on the cross. We look to God for our healing from the spiritual sickness of sin as well as physical sickness.

Elisha’s cleansing of Naaman’s leprosy points forward to Jesus and the healing of the lepers in his ministry. In Luke 4:27 Jesus says: “There were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.”

Naaman foreshadowed the plan of God to reach the Gentiles with the grace of the gospel.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


TG Youth!

WHAT: 6th-12th graders and parents are welcome to join us at the Luster's House!

WHERE: 2131 Breckenridge St, Athens, TN 37303

Enoch Performance

WHEN: Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 7 pm - Doors open at 6:30 pm

WHERE: The YMCA (205 Knoxville Ave)

TICKETS: Adults $13 and students (ages 6-18) $10, if pre-purchased. Adults $15 and students (ages 6-18) $12 at the door. Ages 5 & under - FREE!

Baby Dedications

We love the kids in our church - and God keeps adding them! We are grateful for these blessings, and we also count it a high privilege to be entrusted with their lives as parents. So, we will have a baby dedication on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14. If you would like to participate, please sign up below.

Sunday Preview: May 7, 2023 at the YMCA

Each Sunday, the pastors carefully put together an order of worship for us.

In an effort to help you prepare your heart & your family, we have included this Sunday’s order of worship below, as well as some important information. All the Scripture readings are noted. Links to videos of all the songs are included as well.


When: 10:30 am

Where: The YMCA - 205 Knoxville Ave


Sunday, May 7, 2023


Call to Worship: Psalm 143:5-6

Our Great God

My Soul Will Wait

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-11

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Sermon: Genesis 1:1-2 // The God Who Is There

His Mercy Is More


Benediction: Psalm 28:8–9

Pray for Our Global Family: May 2023

We have the joy of partnering with like-minded churches around the world. The following is a brief overview of things to pray for as Sovereign Grace Churches are planted and established in many different countries. The following is the latest prayer update for the month of May:

Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) 

For our family of churches to bear much gospel fruit, as Mark Prater reminded us in his second quarter prayer requests, we must continue to abide in Christ, because apart from him we can do nothing. Jesus’ words capture our utter dependence upon him. Without him, we’ve got no hope. But with him, great things can happen!!

One of the ways that we abide dependently on Christ is through prayer. For Jesus says a couple of verses later in John 15:7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” Asking is a practical expression of abiding dependently on Christ, and so here’s how we can be doing that, together as a family of churches, over the next month…

  1. Please continue to pray for the Ark Church in Dnipro, Ukraine asking God to protect them, and to use them to meet practical needs, and to offer gospel hope to people impacted by the way.

  2. Please pray for Bob Kauflin & David Zimmer (Sovereign Grace Music), as they lead a SG Worship Matters Intensive in Sydney, Australia, with 19 guys, men from Japan, Philippines and all over Australia (May 3rd-6th).

  3. Please pray for our two planned Chinese Church Plants for the US (Charleston & Maryland), for grace, provision, and the raising up of two strong church planting teams. If you are Mandarin speaker yourself, maybe the Lord is calling you to be a part of one of these endeavors?

  4. Please pray for Jeff Purswell as he heads to Guadalajara (May 9-11th) to serve at the Mexican Pastors Equipping Retreat. 

  5. Please pray for Billy Raies, Steven Avampato, Jeffrey Jo & Pastor Ray as they head to Nepal (May 23-27th) to serve at the NIM Network Conference with our dear friend Barnabas (SG Key Leader in Nepal). Over 400 pastors, wives and missionaries will be present, from 163 different churches. Please pray for grace and wisdom as they speak at this conference, as well as grace and wisdom as they get extended time with Barnabas to think through the next five years of SG Nepal, as we plan together for the future. 

  6. Please pray for Ed O’Mara and Rocca Dalia as they look to plant a Sovereign Grace Church in Torino, Italy, later this year. Asking God to provide housing, financial resources, and a Sunday meeting place.

  7. Please pray for Dave Taylor & Riley Spring (SG Australia) as they head to Liberia to serve at the Gracelife Pastors & Planters Academy (May 16-23rd), teaching on SG Church Planting. Please pray for safe travels, and receptive and faith-filled hearts. That the Lord's will may be done in these West African Nations, all for His glorious Name.  

Thank you for praying with us. May His grace abound! To subscribe to the monthly Sovereign Grace Missions Newsletter, follow the link below.

Announcements + Sunday Recap


Light On Dark Clouds: Discouragement

April 30, 2023 || 1 Kings 19 || Walt Alexander

MAIN POINT: The losses sustained in suffering are discouraging, but take heart, God is making all things new.

1. Discouragement forgets who God is.

2. Discouragement diminishes strength to face the present.

3. Discouragement despairs of the future.

4. Discouragement encounters God’s kindness & compassion.

5. The way out of discouragement is to humble ourselves & obey.



The heart of TGKids is to help children understand that the Bible is all about Jesus! Below is the story, scripture, and main teaching points from the TGKids lesson, so that you can talk with your kids about what they learned.

Bible Story: Elisha's Ministry

Scripture: 2 Kings 2:13-22, 4:1-7; 6:1-7

Bible Truth: Elisha’s life and ministry point to Christ.

Where is Jesus: 2 Kings 4:32–37

God used Elisha to multiply a widow’s oil, to give a wealthy woman a son, and now here in this story, to raise her son after he dies. The miracles that Elisha performs illustrate God’s power and point to the day when God would send another prophet even greater than Elisha.

When Jesus comes, he also performs miracles. He turns water into wine and multiplies a few fishes and loaves of bread to feed a crowd of more than five thousand. Jesus heals the sick and even raises the dead. Jesus also dies on the cross for our sins and is raised from the dead so that we can have new life. The new life God gave the young boy through Elisha is a small hint of the new life God gives to all his children.

If you want to learn more about TGKids, click the button below!


Membership Class

Saturday, May 6, 2023

For more information and to register for the class, click the button below!

True Contentment

Click the button below for the recording of CJ Mahaney’s class on True Contentment.

Baby Dedications

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.