Prayer Break for the Month of October

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Prayer too often falls to the bottom of the list. 

Most Christians feel guilty for how little they pray and how often they allow prayer to be neglected in their daily lives. Not surprisingly, when Paul writes to local church, he says, put prayer first

1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Put prayer first. Prayer should be put first, chronologically. We should pray before we do anything else. However, there is something even more important being affirmed here.

Prayer should be seen as “first of all.” Prayer should not merely come first, it should be considered first. Prayer is preeminent in rank and importance. Prayer is the most important thing we do, as individuals and as a local church.

There are dozens of reasons prayer is the most important thing we do. One reason is prayer expresses most clearly who we are—children of our heavenly Father who delight and depend on him each day. 


There are many things we are told we should do for our country right now—vote, fight, speak up against injustice, and more. But, the Scriptures urge that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.”

We are all burdened for our earthly country right now. It is suffering from an ongoing pandemic. It is battling widespread unemployment and a struggling economy. It is divided socially and politically in numerous areas. And it is facing a very important presidential election on November 3. 

The most important thing we can do for our country right now is to pray. 


We are devoting the month of October to prayer. 

Each Wednesday, we are urging you to fast your lunch break to pray for the following things:

October 7 // Revival

October 14  // Servant Leadership

October 21 // Peace & Justice

October 28 // Election

Each Wednesday, we will release a prayer guide to help you pray. Then, on the final Wednesday, October 28, we will gather together for a church-wide prayer meeting.



Last week, Lauren Trew shared her amazing testimony with our church. It is extraordinary. Yet, there are elements that are all too common. Many know about Jesus, but don’t know Him. Read her story and be encouraged to hear of the many people who participated in Jesus’ work of knocking on the door of her heart–until the day when the Lord sovereignly reached down and opened her heart. What a Savior!

A couple of weeks ago, Walt preached about how our calling “to be in fellowship with Jesus” doesn’t have anything to do with our seeking or our finding Him...that it is God’s invitation TO us. That brought to mind this verse: Revelation 3:20 “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” Since I am a very visual person, I love this image of Jesus standing at my door knocking and waiting patiently for me to hear Him, open the door, and let Him be in my life. The Lord brought so many people to knock on that door with Him before I finally opened it all the way. He is incredibly patient and kind.

I knew ABOUT Jesus from a young age, but I didn’t KNOW Jesus until I was an adult. One of my earliest memories of someone who loved Jesus is my Great- great Aunt Bessie...she talked and sang about Him a lot! She taught me Psalm 23 by having us say it together every time we would make her bed. Her sister, my great-grandmother Minnie also talked to me about Jesus and I know without a doubt these two spent some quality time praying for me through the years.

My parents participated in the “knocking” by taking our family to church giving me the opportunity to hear about Jesus. One of my favorite ways I got to experience the Lord was through choir. The Lord definitely reaches my heart through music! Since childhood I have had many Sunday school teachers, those choir leaders, and pastors who have poured God’s love into my life...knocking on that door with Him. I would come to the door, peer out the peephole, really like what I saw...a couple of times open the door a little bit and start to usher Him in... only to hold back. Not sure what it would mean...what I would have to give up to be one of “those” people ... “all in for Christ”. There was even a Christian rock concert at the high school one evening that helped Jesus knock on the door. I wanted to be part of what they were singing about. I wanted to really know that Jesus, so when they presented an invitation to “come down front and pray”, I walked that aisle and did it! And the next day, nothing changed. I still did what I wanted to do and said not nice words I wanted to say.

Fast forward a bunch of years (we only have so much time after all), Scott and I got married and had two beautiful daughters ...and everything was perfect. ;) GOING to church was very important to me. I loved the prayers, the ritual, the music! I didn’t mind the preaching, but the music...I really loved the words of the hymns. But words like “being saved” were weird to me. And I sure didn’t understand that I couldn’t do anything to make myself “right” with God. I just knew I felt guilty a lot. Many a Sunday I would sit there and make a deal with God, “Okay, this week, I will do {fill in the blank} and I won’t do . And for real, I will not say bad words”. I thought it was up to me and that this could only be bartered with the Lord on Sunday in a church building. And when I had already done that thing I wasn’t going to do and said words that could quite possibly make a sailor blush by Sunday afternoon, I shrugged my shoulders in defeat and resigned myself to wait until the following week to try to “get it right” with God again.

When we were transferred to Maryland, I was pretty sure my world as I knew it was coming to an end. It was. But in a way better way, than I could have imagined. One of our first Sundays in our new town, this verse was in the church bulletin: Matthew 28:20 “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” That was cut out and lived on our refrigerator for a very long time. Oh how I wanted to really experience the Lord’s presences WITH me. For the first time, I lived far away from family, these girls were adorable but they were babies and so needy and their Dad was away from home a lot with work, so I was lonely and didn’t have that many friends and our marriage was in a bad place. Fast forward another year and a half, my best friend Tiena who had moved to Maryland from Georgia at the same time as we did was being transferred with her husband’s job to Africa. My closest friend who I relied on was moving to another continent. This was bad news. Before she left, she offered (um, more like insisted) I go to the welcome class of her bible study with her. More Knocking. She had told me about this before, but I thought she was crazy spending so much time at that place. I was not happy about having to spend two hours at a BIBLE STUDY just to be with my friend before she moved away. I went to church on Sunday, why did I need to devote another day of the week to the Bible?!

We went that day. Tiena filled out mine, and my girls’ registration cards, because I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to something like this. And that year, my first of intentional reading and studying God’s Word for myself, was when that I learned that I was a sinner. Oh, that’s why I felt guilty...I am. I learned that God is in control of all.the.things. Not me and it doesn’t do much good trying to cling to control. I learned that God was for me and He was for our wasn’t up to me to make bargains and “fix” things. I learned that God didn’t just send His Son, Jesus to save the world, it is because of His great love for me that He gave His perfect Son Jesus to save me. Suddenly being “saved” didn’t sound weird anymore, it sounded beautiful and life giving. Loud knocking and by God’s amazing GRACE, I finally opened that door!! So that’s the story of how that year, the Lord not only saved our marriage, He changed my whole world and saved my life. Suddenly the prayers in church made more sense. The hymns were even more beautiful and special to me...and I realized that so many of them were actually words straight from the Bible! And I know I don’t need to make deals with God or wait until Sunday to talk to Him.

I wish I could say everything has been smooth sailing ever since, but you would know that was me sinning and not speaking the truth. But I can say that knowing I have a true best friend who knows me, ugly sins and all, who is indeed WITH me and FOR me to the end of the age, is the BEST news ever! To God be the glory, great things HE has done!
— Lauren Trew

Community Group House Parties!

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It is no exaggeration to say that right now is one of the loneliest times we as a country have faced. So much of our life has been altered by the Coronavirus pandemic. And so many of the ways we connect and build relationships have been affected.

This month, we are going to start gathering back together Community Groups to encourage one another and strengthen one another’s faith.

And…we’re gonna start with an (outdoor) House Party!


But, don’t worry, we’ll still get time together as men and women. The rhythm for this month will be:

  • Co-ed—the first week

  • Men—the second week

  • Women—the third week


We don’t want you to feel alone. If you are new & looking for where you fit, consider coming to one of these House Parties!

Dates & times are below and you can connect with each Community Group leader here.

  • Olsen—Sunday, October 4 @ 5pm

  • Pritchett—Wednesday, October 7 @ 6pm

  • Ball—Friday, October 9 @ 7pm

  • Alexander—Wednesday, October 14 @ 6pm


The Fear of the Lord is Security

Where is your security? The world is filled with white noise to distract us from wisdom. This past Sunday Pastor Walt said that while there are many different ways we can go that eventually lead to loss, those who walk in the wisdom of God are secure. Yet, the good news is that she (wisdom) calls not to those who have it all figured out, but to those of us who recognize our need. She points us to Jesus!

In case you missed it, here is the link to this week’s message from Proverbs 1:


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The last installment of the Bible reading plan for this year is now available. These cards are a guide in helping us read through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs together in a year. They will be available on Sunday morning. However, if you want to get your hands on yours sooner, reach out to Gil Balch (423.653.5783).

Don't forget! We're collecting supplies for Grace & Mercy this Sunday!


As we shared on Sunday, the Deacons have been researching ways for us to serve the community of Athens & McMinn County.

We are small & have a lot to learn, but we are eager to take steps toward serving our community in a few practical & personal ways—specifically with Grace & Mercy right now.


If you are unfamiliar with Grace & Mercy, they are a ministry that regularly feeds the less fortunate in our community. Right now, each Monday & Friday lunch & Thursday dinner they provide lunch for 110+ folks in our community.

Recently, they have partnered with the Shower Bus. Each Monday & Friday, the Shower Bus will go to different areas in Athens to give folks an opportunity for a warm shower & provide them with clean clothes. In addition, the folks at Grace & Mercy will wash those clothes & return them in a few days.


We have an opportunity to help Grace & Mercy & the Shower Bus by stocking their bus with supplies this week & next week!

Here is what they need:

  • Zip-lock bags (gallon size)

  • Bath towels & wash cloths

  • Men’s clothing—pants, shorts, underwear, socks (sizes M-L)

  • Men’s shoes (sizes 9-13)

The Deacons will have boxes to collect these supplies this Sunday, September 20 & next Sunday, September 27.

Note: If you are unable to drop it off on Sunday, you can drop it off Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday this week at Walt’s office (219 E. Madison Ave. in the “Art Shop”).


Grace & Mercy have several ongoing opportunities for us individually or in small groups:

  • Serve lunch on Mondays & Fridays (first Monday of the month you can do this with Sandra!)

  • Serve dinner on Thursdays

  • Talk & build relationships with folks during one of the regular meal times

  • Help maintenance the Shower Bus (as needed)

Thank you Deacons (& Sandra!) for making us aware of these opportunities!

Order your shirts in adult & children's sizes!


Don’t they look cool!

As Walt mentioned on Sunday, we have new t-shirts for sale in adult & children’s sizes!

They are only $5 each.

If you would like to order some, enter the size & quantity below by September 30.

One Last Look at Psalms 1-10

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From June to September we were (mostly) studying the first 10 chapters of the book of Psalms. Clearly, we are a mess. And we live in a messy world—one with a tangled mess of trouble on so many levels. These 10 psalms run the spectrum of emotion that we all deal with–from complaining to exclamations of praise.

Pastor Walt wonderfully helped us navigate these Psalms and our emotions. One thing is certain, God’s plan is not secured through our obedience or getting it all right, but through His sovereign grace. To go back and hear a message that you missed (or you want to hear again), check out the links below (you can also find them on Apple Podcast).

God has given us prayers to pray and songs to sing during this season!

PSALM 1 - Prayers to Pray in the Mess of Life

PSALM 2 - Why is America So Mad?

PSALM 3 - Salvation is in God’s Hand Alone

PSALM 4 - Give Peace a Chance

PSALM 5 - Pray, Trust God, and Do the Right

PSALM 6 - Pray and Wait, There’s No Other Way

PSALM 7 - Don’t Stop Believin’

PSALM 8 - How Majestic is Your Name!

PSALM 9 & 10 - Is God Really in Control?

Plan 'B' is Sometimes Better

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We are a church that wants to plant churches and help church plants. 

One of those church plants we have the opportunity to help right now is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (just a few miles outside the county!).

As we have told you, Christ-Centered Church was supposed to begin meeting publicly in April.  Yet, church and the Granger family (Michael, Kenean, and their three children) have had their share of challenges this year. Besides limited meetings because of quarantine, many Ethiopians believe foreigners are bringing the virus to them. They even begun to fear meeting with Michael, because he is from the United States!

But as Michael said in a recent update, “You can quarantine the church-planter, you can quarantine the pastor, you can even quarantine the church, but you can’t quarantine the gospel!”

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Their Plan B has actually been fruitful. The church has been working on a secret ‘project’ until the government allows churches to reopen, Michael is writing a small book specifically contextualized for Ethiopia about sin and the gospel, and they’re writing and producing an music album. The songs on the album go hand in hand with the book (think The Ology-link here), and are written for congregational singing. 

In Michael’s words, “The album is bangin!”



In addition, in the fall of 2021, two others couples are moving to Ethiopia to help them plant Christ-Centered Church—the Pannells and Thomases. This is wonderful news! Long-term partners will be a tremendous gift to this young church!

And get this, Jordan and Lauren Thomas are coming to visit Trinity Grace!

Jordan and Lauren will be with us October 11 to share their heart for Ethiopia and what they hope to see the Lord do there. Please be sure to join us on that Sunday & help us rejoice in this work we get to partner in!

Next Series: How NOT To Be A Fool!

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What’s your favorite verse from the book of Proverbs?


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, & do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, & he will make straight your paths. 3:5-6

Or possibly:

Iron sharpens iron, & one man sharpens another. 27:17

Better yet:

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. 16:9

There are few books of the Bible we love more than Proverbs. It is chockfull of catchy, clear, & helpful sayings for everyday life. It talks to us about things we deal with all the time—friends, plans, parents, self-control, words, beauty, & more.

It doesn’t give us all the answers. And, despite what we may think sometimes, it doesn’t give us rules to follow for a happy, successful life.

It does something more. It gives us the key to life. It teaches us how to live in the fear of God in all the decisions & dealings of daily life.

It teaches us how not to be a fool.


This Sunday, we are beginning a new series on the book of Proverbs entitled How Not To Be a Fool.

Proverbs is split up into five sections covering 31 chapters. Some of the sayings come in clusters or even chapters addressing one topic. However, most of the book of Proverbs is laid out in standalone sayings.

For this reason, we are going to approach this series a bit differently.

We are not going to go verse by verse. Instead, we are going to take up several of the important characters & categories of the entire book over the course of 9 weeks.


For those who plan ahead, below is a tentative schedule for the series:

September 20 // The Fear of the Lord

September 27 // The Invitation

October 11 // The Fool

October 18 // The Friend

October 25 // The Greatest Friend: Humility

November 1 // The Tongue

November 8 // The Heart

November 15 // The Sluggard

November 22 // The Beautiful

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at the introduction, Proverbs 1:1-7.

I can’t wait! It will be a joy to unpack another book of Scripture together!

How to help Grace & Mercy this week.


As we shared on Sunday, the Deacons have been researching ways for us to serve the community of Athens & McMinn County.

We are small & have a lot to learn, but we are eager to take steps toward serving our community in a few practical & personal ways—specifically with Grace & Mercy right now.


If you are unfamiliar with Grace & Mercy, they are a ministry that regularly feeds the less fortunate in our community. Right now, each Monday & Friday lunch & Thursday dinner they provide lunch for 110+ folks in our community.

Recently, they have partnered with the Shower Bus. Each Monday & Friday, the Shower Bus will go to different areas in Athens to give folks an opportunity for a warm shower & provide them with clean clothes. In addition, the folks at Grace & Mercy will wash those clothes & return them in a few days.


We have an opportunity to help Grace & Mercy & the Shower Bus by stocking their bus with supplies this week & next week!

Here is what they need:

  • Zip-lock bags

  • Bath towels & wash cloths

  • Men’s clothing—pants, shorts, underwear, socks (sizes M-L)

  • Men’s shoes (sizes 9-13)

The Deacons will have boxes to collect these supplies this Sunday, September 20 & next Sunday, September 27.

Note: If you are unable to drop it off on Sunday, you can drop it off Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday this week at Walt’s office (219 E. Madison Ave. in the “Art Shop”).


Grace & Mercy have several ongoing opportunities for us individually or in small groups:

  • Serve lunch on Mondays & Fridays (first Monday of the month you can do this with Sandra!)

  • Serve dinner on Thursdays

  • Talk & build relationships with folks during one of the regular meal times

  • Help maintenance the Shower Bus (as needed)

Thank you Deacons (& Sandra!) for making us aware of these opportunities!

Community Groups, Sept 16 & 23: Reviewing Chapters 1–3.

These first 3 chapters of The Discipline of Grace are revolutionary—if they are applied.

For our next Community Group meetings this month, we are going to review them again before moving forward in the book.


Take time to review what you underlined & highlighted in chapters 1–3.

(And, if you haven’t had a chance to read chapters 1-3, take this extra time to catch up! They are foundational chapters to the book!)

1. What is one point or paragraph that changed the way you think about the gospel in the first 3 chapters?

2. Refer to the timelines on pages 10-11. Mr. Bridges says, one of the reasons we fail to live in the good of the gospel is because we assume the gospel is for unbelievers & discipleship is for believers.

  • (a) In your experience with Christianity & the church, would you agree with these timelines? Have you ever thought that way?

  • (b) After reading chapters 1-3, how should we view the Christian life & the importance of the gospel for it differently?

3. Typically, we either battle sins of self-righteousness, like anger, bitterness, & critical judgment, because we think we’re better than others. Or, we battle sins of self-condemnation, like self-pity, discouragement, excessive guilt, because we think we’re worse than others.

  • (a) How does the gospel confront these two temptations?

  • (b) How does the parable of the Pharisee & the tax collector shed light on these temptations?

4. Mr. Bridges says, it is misleading to say we are saved by faith alone (pg. 41).

  • (a) What does he mean by that? Why is this misleading & dangerous to our souls?

  • (b) How does realizing faith is a gift protecting us from basing our confidence on the measure of our faith?

5. What is one verse or one passage you could memorize to help you specifically preach the gospel to yourself each day?

We've got new t-shirts for sale—for adults & children!


We’re got new t-shirts for sale! They are modeled quite well by Jason & Alice above!

We have them in adult & children’s sizes for $5 each.

If you would like to order some, enter the size & quantity below by September 16.

Does God Care About My Work?



As Christians, what does our faith have to do with our work? Is it just a way for us to provide for our families? Or just a way to be honest & evangelize others? Or maybe just a way to serve others?

To put it bluntly, if I’m not a pastor or missionary, does God actually care about my work?

The resounding answer of the Scriptures is: Yes!

We’ve seen this truth clearly the last two Sundays & it is an important truth to remember on this Labor Day!

If you’re interested, review the messages, quotes, & resources below to learn more.

listen to the MESSAGES


If God’s called you to be a king, don’t stoop to be a missionary; but if God’s called you to be a missionary, don’t stoop to be a king.  Jordan Grooms

It is not only prayer that gives God glory but work. Smiting on an anvil, sawing a beam, whitewashing a wall, driving horses, sweeping, scouring, everything gives God some glory if being in his grace you do it as your duty. To go to communion worthily gives God great glory, but a man with a dung fork in his hand, a woman with a sloppily, give him glory too. He is so great that all things give him glory if you mean they should.  Gerald Manly Hopkins

God has ordered human society in such a way that we all depend on each other. Before we give thanks for our daily bread, somebody has to have baked it. In fact, before a slice of honey oatmeal appears on our plate, a number of farmers, millers, bakers, distributors, drivers, grocers, and others have had to work together in order to supply our need.  Cornelius Plantinga

One of the New Testament’s most frequent one-word descriptions of the Christian is that he is ‘called.’  Sinclair Ferguson

Our daily work can be a calling only if it is reconceived as God’s assignment to serve others.  Tim Keller

It is pure invention that pope, bishops, priests, & monks are to be called the ‘spiritual estate’; princes, lords, artisans, & farmers the ‘temporal estate.’  Martin Luther

When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to give us this day our daily bread. And he does give us our daily bread. He does it by means of the farmer who planted & harvested the grain, the baker who made the flour into bread, the person who prepared our meal.  Martin Luther

God has ordained particular duties to each one in his station in life. And so that no one should overstep his boundaries, He has identified various stations in life as callings. Every individual’s rank in life, therefore, is a kind of post assigned to him by the Lord, to keep him from rushing about rashly for the whole of his life.  John Calvin

The hardest task for people who believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ is in living the sort of life that makes people say, ‘Ah, so that’s how people are going to live when righteousness takes over our world.’ . . . The hardest task is simple, persistent faithfulness in our work & our attitudes.  Cornelius Plantinga

Read to learn more

Below are several articles & books I would recommend on this very important subject.

Shorter resources:

Longer resources (increasing as you go!):

Baptisms—this Sunday!


We love the Finch family so much!

And this Sunday after the service, we get to rejoice with them at the baptism of 3 of their children: Brennan, Knox, & Molly.

We conclude our worship service by watching them be baptized in the rambling creek! What a humbling reminder of God’s faithfulness & commitment to extend his gospel from generation to generation!

Please pray for them as we anticipate another Sunday together!

Membership Class later this month!

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The church is made of many parts that need each other.

In the New Testament, the church is compared to a body, a temple, a household, & a flock. Each of these metaphors describe a diverse group of individuals joined together into a single group with a single purpose.

For this reason—and a number of others—we practice church membership.

Church membership is our way of ensuring everyone at Trinity Grace experiences the blessing of belonging & serving together & the privilege of partnering together in the gospel.

Becoming a member involves a few steps, beginning with the Membership Class.

Our next course will be Saturday, September 19.

Sign up here & we will supply you with all the information you need.

Community Groups, Sept 2 & 9: Preaching the Gospel to Yourself.

One of my seminary professors Mike Bullmore—of Crossway Church in Kenosha, WI—used to say, two incredible promises of the Bible can be carried in your hands:

  • “I will be with you” (Josh. 1:5; Deut. 31:8; among others)

  • “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3)

Each promise contains five words & can be remembered each time you look at your fingers.


The second of these promises—Christ died for our sins—sums up the gospel & is quite helpful is preaching the gospel to yourself each day.

Do you preach the gospel to yourself each day?

If not, in the chapter of The Discipline of Grace for Community Group this week, Jerry Bridges wants you to start doing so.

In fact, Mr. Bridges advises: “The gospel is not only the most important message in all of history; it is the only essential message in all of history. Yet we allow thousands of professing Christians to live their entire lives without clearly understanding it & experiencing the joy of living by it.”

So, for Community Group this week: Read through Chapter 3: Preach the Gospel to Yourself. And Be ready to learn.


Below are some discussion questions to ponder as you prepare for the meeting. (Many of these are taken from the discussion questions in the back of the book.)

1. Sometime during 1993, a survey was taken at a large Christian convention. One of the survey questions was: “What is the gospel?” Of the many people interviewed, only one gave an adequate answer.

  • (a) If you had been one of those polled, what answer would you have given? Write down your answer & keep it to yourself for a moment.

  • (b) Share your answer with the group.

  • (c) What similarities do you notice in each other’s answer? What differences?

2. Even though many Christians know a lot about the gospel, Mr. Bridges concludes: “In our everyday relationship with God, most of us are no different in our thinking than the unbelievers who think they will go to heaven because they’ve been good enough. To live by grace, we must rid ourselves of such thinking.” (page 38)?

  • (a) Do you think Mr. Bridges’ assessment is true? Why or why not?

  • (b) How does the apostle Paul address this misperception, common to believer & unbeliever alike, in Romans 3:21-26?

3. Read Romans 3:21-26 together.

4. Romans 3:21-26 is loaded with theological terms. How does Mr. Bridges define each of these terms in the chapter?

  • Verse 19: the law

  • Verse 20: sin

  • Verse 21: the righteousness of God

  • Verse 24: grace

  • Verse 24: redemption

  • Verse 25: sacrifice of atonement or propitiation

  • Verse 25: blood of Christ

  • Verse 26: justification of the believer

5. Mr. Bridges says we must be convinced of our justification in two “courts”: the heavenly court before God & the court of our conscience. We are justified by faith before God through the finished work of Jesus Christ in the heavenly court. How then do we bring the verdict of conscience into line with the verdict of heaven?

6. What aspect of the gospel do you need to become more familiar with? What do you need to preach the gospel to yourself every day?

7. Below are some key verses to help you preach the gospel to yourself:

  • Psalm 103:12

  • Isaiah 43:25

  • Isaiah 53:6

  • Micah 7:19

  • Galatians 2:20

  • Galatians 3:13

  • Colossians 1:22

  • Colossians 2:13

Wednesday Mail: Don't forget, you are sowing!

I’ve been thinking about farming lately. 

Not because I have a green thumb. I don’t even have a green pinky!

I’ve been thinking about farming lately, because I want to be okay with things growing slowly & changing gradually in my life.

Psalm 126 teaches us that life breaks down into sudden work & slow work. 

The psalm opens by remembering the good ‘ole days. The days of laughter, joy, & gladness. The seasons of reaping abundantly. The times when everything works & all see clearly, The Lord has done great things for us.

All of our lives are marked by days like these. Perhaps it’s the wide-open opportunities of youth & the rapid changes that come. Or the “honeymoon” phase of marital simplicity & bliss. Or the thrill of a new job or new career that fills daily life with purpose.

What marks these days good ‘ole days is sudden work. Life is easy. Fruit is quick & abundant. Purpose is clear. Joy is full. So, it’s no surprise that the psalmist looks back fondly on these days & longs for them to return. 

But Psalm 126 doesn’t stop there.

While life includes seasons of sudden work, the vast majority of life is slow work.


Psalm 126 ends with a call to keep sowing & in so doing underlines a very important biblical principle. 

Throughout the Bible, the dominant metaphors for the Christian life are agricultural. The word of the gospel is compared to a seed (Mark 4:1-9). This seed is planted by one, watered by another, & still later bears fruit by God (1 Cor. 3:6). The righteous man is compared to a tree that grows slowly & steadily (Psa. 1). Israel is a vine (Isa. 5). And the Christian is a branch of the vine of Jesus, that is regularly pruned to bear more fruit (John 15). 

Author David Powlison sums it up saying, “We twenty-first century people are hasty folk. We like things to happen fast. We want problems to have quick solutions so we can move on to something else. But God has made our souls to work on agricultural time.

These metaphors teach us that the vast majority of life is slow, hard work.

Most of life is farming, sowing & waiting on the rain to come. Most of life is spent not in the celebration of harvest but in the steady hum of long, tiring days of sowing.

Most of life is not reaping.

Most of life is marked by acts of sowing—doing the same things day in & day out & trusting God to produce a harvest. Laundry. Dinner. Dishes. Long hours at work. Rising early to read & pray. Carving out time to teach your children. Helping with homework. Inviting a new friend over when you’d rather nap.


All this may seem like hard news, but it’s not.  It means at least two encouraging things:

1. It’s not harvest time yet.

It can be quite freeing to realize that we shouldn’t be looking to reap yet.

We shouldn’t expect the kids to obey fully, marriage to continue blissfully, friendships to come easily, or work to satisfy completely. If they did, there would be no need to sow.

But if we approach our daily life planning to sow, then it’ll change what we expect each day & how we approach each day.

2. Keep sowing, because the harvest comes to those who continue to sow.

Psalm 126 concludes with an encouragement: Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!

Those who sow will reap. Not because they sowed perfectly, but because they sowed faithfully.

Galatians 6:9 similarly adds, And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

May God help us to press on!

Membership Sunday, this week!

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About twenty months ago, Trinity Grace began meeting as a church. And, to be quite honest, we’re a bit surprised we’re still meeting!

Nevertheless, this Sunday, we are celebrating God’s kindness to our little church plant by welcoming 9 new members. They are:

  • Paul & Lexie

  • Patrick & Annette

  • Sandra

  • Kevin & Dana

  • Tim & Paige

All throughout the books of Acts, when the Lord adds someone to Jesus Christ, he quickly adds them to local church (Acts 2:14, 5:41, 11:24, among others). And this Sunday, we are celebrating the work of God in adding these individuals to our church!

So, Trinity Grace, get ready to welcome them with open arms! And, let’s get ready to have some fun!