Baby Dedication: Sunday Recap

Kids are such a wonderful gift from the Lord . . . a heritage!

This past Sunday, we had the joy to pray for & dedicate six kiddos to the Lord! May they lose their lives for Christ’s sake.

We also finally got to dive back into the Book of Mark.

Below are some of the main points, scripture, & quotes used to remind us the the Lord uses ordinary people for extraordinary things.

“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.” G.K. Chesteron

Main point: More than anything else, Jesus wants ordinary disciples who leave everything to follow him.

1. The Crowds.

“When times are good, how do you know if you love God or just love the things he is giving you or doing for you? You don’t, really. In times of health and prosperity, it is easy to think you have a loving relationship to God. You pray and do your religious duties since it is comforting and seems to be paying off.” Tim Keller

“[Jesus] said if you want to be My disciples, there are three conditions. First, you must give up your right to yourself. Second, you must take up your cross. Third, you must follow. My understanding of giving up your right to yourself is saying no to yourself. And taking up your cross is saying yes to God. Lord, whatever it is You want to give me, I’ll take it. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Elisabeth Elliot

2. The Twelve.

3. The Mission.

“She had attended to her sons, suffering birth pangs, so to speak, again every time she saw them leave the true path and move away from you.” Augustine

Membership Class—Next Saturday, May 22!

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Often, we know the church is important. We know we should be involved in a local church, & even feel guilty for not being more involved.

But, do we know why the church is important?

Each quarter of the year, we offer a Membership Class for anyone interested in learning more about what we believe & why we believe the church is vital for the Christian life.


Have you really wondered why the church is important? Have you wondered if Trinity Grace place for you? Have you wondered what Trinity Grace believe?

Below are the details for Saturday, May 22.

  • WHAT: Membership Class

  • WHEN: Saturday, May 22 at 9am

  • WHERE: Mike & Vanessa Ball’s home (1155 Highway 305)

  • WHAT ELSE: Coffee, lunch, & childcare provided!


Jorge & Olga–A Story of God’s Perfect Timing


Last Sunday Jorge and Olga shared their testimony of God’s perfect timing.

We rejoice that the Lord has called them to Himself in a very special way.

We also had the pleasure of welcoming them as new members of our church! Read their testimony below or CLICK HERE to watch the video of which they shared last week.

Testimony of the Sanchez-Martinez family arriving to Trinity Grace Church.

Hi, I am Olga Martínez 

And I am Jorge Sanchez; we are both from Mexico as well as our children Dante and Orlando, but not this little one coming soon. I moved here at the end of 2016 because I got a new job abroad, Olga and me maintained a long distance relationship for 2 years thru video calls, God bless technology. I was flying back to Mexico whenever possible to be together but, we all know is not the same.

Whenever I was off from work, I was calling her and spending as much time “together” as possible, so I kind of isolated myself from society over here as well as she over there.

When I was pregnant with Dante we knew there was no way we could live away from each other anymore. 2018 was a very challenging year, at the end of it we were praying to get all the paperwork and everything ready to move here with Jorge. God blessed us because it worked out awesomely well and on perfect timing.

After a very long drive we arrived here in January 2019 with a lot of desire, emotions, overwhelmed feelings, and immensely happy to be close to dad. I had some uncertainty too because I knew it would be difficult, like all the good things in life. Because my life would change a lot from then on. I would no longer have my family around and would be in charge of my two children when I used to work full time. We did not imagine how difficult it would be to adapt to being together again after having different roles when living apart. A new and different country for my children moving away from close relatives, praying for us to be able to adapt quickly and find new friends especially for Orly who was barely speaking English. We had no friends and time continued to pass, we thought it would be easier for us that our Latino community would shelter us and it was not like that. 

Orly was having a hard time at school due to the language barrier and one day he asked us to enroll him in a soccer team since he loves to play it. Some friends from work recommended a soccer team so we enrolled him there. After a few weeks the team manager told us that it was not going to be possible for Orly to play that season because they already had too many kids. We were really upset and disappointed by this because we knew this would cheer him up. One day talking with a neighbor about soccer teams for kids she told us to check with McMinn United, we checked it out and thank God Orly was accepted. 

At the first game of the season, I remember it very well. It was Saturday in October with a drizzle and a bit cold. We met Mandy Tinsman, Carter's mother who played with Orly. She approached me as we walked together to another court, and said she didn’t recognized my face. I will never forget, her face, her large cart to carry all the things for her 5 children and her joy and confidence. Later, she asked me if we had plans for Sunday and invited us to a picnic that her Church was having to celebrate their first anniversary. Saying that kids would enjoy it as well because of the bouncing houses. We had nothing planned other than doing laundry, so I accepted the invitation and we shared phone numbers. After doing laundry and house chores we were in the parking lot very late without food or beverages. We felt a little ashamed and we thought on leaving so we decided to call Mandy and apologize. But as you may know, Mandy was very optimistic and thoughtful, she went to our car and told us not to worry and stay. She even helped us watch Orly and Dante so we could get to know people.

That picnic was one of the warmest welcome we had since we came to US. We had the pleasure to meet the McGraws, the Hollingsworths, the Lusters, the Alexanders and many others who made us feel as we were at home.

Buddy told me once that sometimes we get bad news, just to appreciate even better the good news. Through Trinity Grace, we began to learn the bad news about our sinfulness and began to understand more and more God’s love for us in sending Jesus. We will never be worthy enough to receive salvation from God, but God gives salvation to us freely through Jesus. 

My wife and I have come to realize it was God calling us to get Orly into McMinn United, accept Mandy’s invitation, meet the wonderful family that is Trinity Grace, and show us his love.

We are really happy and grateful to be here, finally after 1 year and six months of feeling part of this congregation. Today we can finally say that we are official members. God in his infinite love kept us for a long time and placed us in the ideal place. We trust in Him today more than ever. Thank you for making us feel at home, for taking care of us as you have done, know that we learn from you every day that what you do for others is the fruit of the seed that He planted and and fell on good ground.  We want to follow Jesus and keep trusting and reflect Him the way you do, we also want to make others feel the presence of God whenever they are around us just as you did and always do with us.

Important Takeaways from the Parenting Seminar.


In one of the most sobering verses in the Bible, the book of Kings describes Adonijah—the man who arrogantly asserted himself to be the next king after his father David died—& says, “His father had never at any time displeased him by asking, ‘Why have you done thus and so?’” (1 Kings 1:6). 

Adonijah’s problem was his pride, but Adonijah’s problem was also his father David’s failure to correct him & teach him the ways of godliness.

May it never be said of the children of Trinity Grace!

Parenting is, as Steve Whitacre reminded us at the Parenting Seminar, “one of the most challenging endeavors, but the grace of God is real & sufficient.” 

Armed with the Word of God & the grace of God, I wanted to lay out a few important takeaways from the Parenting Seminar & urge us to press on with faith into this most challenging endeavor. 

1. The work of parenting will take place in little bits, not large chunks, of instruction.

Steve began the seminar unpacking Colossians 1:28. It states: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

Parenting involves proclaiming Christ & the gospel to our children. Parenting is more than providing a food, shelter, & care for our children. Parenting requires proclamation. Parenting includes warning them & teaching them the things of God & the gospel. 

But, how should we teach them? J.C. Ryle helps us:

"We must not expect all things at once. We must remember what children are, and teach them as they are able to bear. Their minds are like a lump of metal not to be forged and made useful at once, but only by a succession of little blows. Their understandings are like narrow-necked vessels: we must pour in the wine of knowledge gradually, or much of it will be spilled and lost." J.C. Ryle, The Duties of Parents.

A lump of metal is not forged by one big whack, metal is forged by “a succession of little blows.”

The work of parenting will take place in little bits, not large chunks, of instruction. Lectures don’t usually work, but seizing planned & unplanned “little” moments to teach them about God & gospel bear much fruit. 

Many of these moments will be unplanned. When your child loses a game. When a neighborhood friend is unkind. When they interact with an unbeliever. Life will give our children daily, unplanned moments in which they need instruction. 

Many of these moments will be planned. Perhaps they will include family devotions, dinner table discussions about the sermon, Scripture memorization, & more. One simple example Steve gave was a series of questions he regularly asked his children:

What do sinners need? A Savior.

Who is that Savior? Jesus. 

How do we respond to Jesus? Repentance & faith.

I can imagine my children rolling their eyes a bit at those questions. And yet, carefully reiterating the truths of the gospel to them is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.

2. The rules of parenting should be few but carefully enforced. 

Sometimes it seems that all we ever say is, Stop. Don’t do that. Don’t touch that. Get down from there. 

It’s exhausting—and much of this exhaustion can be minimized with clear rules. 

If the goal of parenting is maturity in Christ, then we must require obedience of our children. Scripture commands them to obey: 

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother' (this is the first commandment with a promise), 'that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.'” (Ephesians 6:1–3)

Biblically, as Steve taught us, “Obedience should be immediately, completely, & willingly—or, all the way, right away, & with a happy heart.” 

That said, in order to require obedience, we must have clear rules. Our children will not learn to obey if they don’t know how to obey. Steve’s advice: “Keep as few rules as possible, but enforce them consistently.” 

We want to them to learn to obey! So, we should keep the rules few, clear, & simple. In Steve’s household, the rules are:

1. Obey dad & mom.

2. Respect dad & mom.

3. Tell me truth.

But what do we do when they disobey?

Especially when our children are little & to a lesser degree when they become of school age, I would recommend we take up the biblical practice of spanking. 

Scripture clearly commands the use of the rod or spanking:

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. Proverbs 13:24

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him. Proverbs 22:15

Spanking is not “letting your child have it” or “paying them back.” Spanking is the careful, measured use of force in disciplining our children.

Spanking is, as defined by Tedd Tripp, “a parent, in faith toward God & faithfulness toward his or her children, undertaking the responsibility of careful, timely, measured & controlled use of physical punishment to underscore the importance of obeying God, this rescuing the child from continuing in his foolishness until death.”

If you want to learn more about spanking, my favorite single book on parenting is Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Tedd Tripp) & it includes a very helpful section on spanking. In addition, if you have any specific questions, I would be glad to talk as well. 

3. The goal of parenting is maturity in Christ on the final day, not maturity before the world on their graduation day. 

Colossians 1:28 says, we proclaim Christ in order to present our children mature in Christ

Present is, as Steve reminded us, an eschatological word. It refers to what really matters on the last day. 

The goal of parenting is not for our children to be well-behaved & well-rounded. It is not for them to marry someone well-put-together or have a successful career. Of course, those things would be nice! But, the goal of parenting is for our children to be mature in Christ.

If our children are mature without Christ, then we have failed. 

In fact, the rest test of parenting will not be who our children are when they graduate high school. The real test of parenting will be who our children are when they stand before the Lord on the final day. 

That’s why parenting is “one of the most challenging endeavors.” 

But God is with us. 

Let us not give up, “for in due season we will reap.”

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:7–9)


If you were unable to attend the Parenting Seminar, as you can tell, I really enjoyed it.

In fact, I would strongly encourage you to carve our time to listen to the recordings. Follow the links below for the audio & handout.

Burgers & the 'Over Fiftyers'!


We need burgers . . . and we need community, regardless of how old we are or how long we have been following Christ.

Buddy & Judy Luster are opening their home again next Friday night for an evening of food, fellowship, friendship, & laughter. If you are among the ‘Over Fifyers’ & not afraid to admit it (!), make plans to attend!

Here is all you need to know.

WHAT: Hamburgers & hotdogs
WHERE: 2131 Breckenridge Road
WHEN: Friday, May 14th at 6:30pm
RSVP: Contact Buddy or Judy for more details about what to bring

Buddy — 76two-544three
Judy — 76three-025one

Sunday with Steve—Sunday RECAP

We’ve said it a hundred times. Sundays are the best day of the week.

But, this whole weekend was so great with our friend Steve Whitacre in town.

On Saturday, he spoke to us about the issue of parenting primarily from Colossians 1:28. There were so many helpful & grace-filled tips for parenting during all stages.

Click here to listen to the seminar.

And yesterday we welcomed 10 new members to our church. It is extremely humbling that they would consider Trinity Grace their home. We are nothing special, but it’s definitely an evidence of grace and His kindness.

Steve reminded us of what the book of Ecclesiastes is all about—being a happy realist.

Click here to listen to his full sermon, or you can watch the entire service on YouTube.

Below are the Scriptures and quotes from Steve’s message.

Ecclesiastes 9

We learned to live with realistic joy.

“The Psalms teach us how to worship; Proverbs, how to behave; Job how to suffer; Song of Solomon, how to love; and Ecclesiastes, how to live. How? With realism and reverence, with humility and restraint, cooly and contentedly, in wisdom and in joy.” -J.I. Packer

1. Enjoy your wine. [9:7-8]

"It's vital to see that eating, drinking, dressing, and loving in these verses do not form an exhaustive list of God's gifts. Rather, it's a representative list of what it looks like to love life and to live it to the full. These things are a way of saying: when God made the world, he made it good, and no amount of being a Christian, of being spiritual, ever changes the fact that God put you in a physical world with hands and food and drink and culture and relationships and beauty. Sin fractures everything, distorts everything. It means we cannot understand everything. But sin does not uncreate everything. So if we were to tap into the Preacher's worldview and train of thought, I think an expanded list would go something like this:

Ride a bike, see the Grand Canyon, go to the theater, learn to make music, visit the sick, care for the dying, cook a meal, feed the hungry, watch a film, read a book, laugh with some friends until it makes you cry, play football, run a marathon, snorkel in the ocean, listen to Mozart, ring your parents, write a letter, play with your kids, spend your money, learn a language, plant a church, start a school, speak about Christ, travel to somewhere you've never been, adopt a child, give away your fortune and then some, shape someone else's life by laying down your own. You may be able to add to the above list in a hundred ways; I hope you can add at least a few more." -David Gibson

2. Enjoy your wife. [9:9]

“If you can tell me that you will go through the world with me, you will surely make it a better world for me, and me a better man for it, and I will try hard to make it a better world for you. -Charles Dickens

3. Enjoy your work. [9:10]

“So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot. Who can bring him to see what will be after him? -Ecclesiastes 3:22

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” -Thessalonians 5:18

New Members Sunday!

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When the Bible mentions the church it’s always referring to an organized group of believers—not a building (which is good since we don’t yet own our own building!).

A local church is where a believer grows. It’s where we learn doctrine, receive encouragement, & are held accountable.

And when a person turns to Christ, we are brought into the household of God.

The church is Christ’s body on earth, & it matters to God


This Sunday, we are excited to welcome 10 individuals to our church!

They have all been attending for some time & have completed a recent Membership Course.

Here are their names:

Josh & Mandy Decker

Brian & Megan Hurst

Jorge & Olga Martínez

Riley Smith

Abe & Dana Traucht

Nathan Traucht

We are humbled that these individuals call Trinity Grace their home church. Let’s get ready to welcome them & celebrate God’s goodness to our church this Sunday!

Stand in Christ’s Saving Strength—Sunday RECAP


This past Sunday, Pastor Walt reminded us that we have an enemy. We are at war. And we live in enemy territory.

Pain and suffering alert us to this war that is happening.

Ultimately, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. And the Lord has given us armor and a weapon to do battle with—prayer being the essence of spiritual warfare.

Pastor Walt’s notes are below. Consider reviewing Ephesians 6:10-20 again and let these notes encourage you to stand in Christ’s saving strength.

Every morning we ought to wake up and say to ourselves, ‘There is a vicious, dark spiritual battle being waged over me today.’ Satan is very busy; wherever there is a believer walking with God in loving fear. . . . Here is one inescapable element of the normal Christian life: warfare. –Christopher Ash

Main point: Stand in Christ’s saving strength.

1. Our Enemy (10-13).

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. -Ephesians 2:1-3

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will. -2 Timothy 2:24-26

Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. -1 Peter 5:8-9

Suffering is having what you don’t want or wanting what you don’t have. -Elisabeth Elliot

2. Our Friend (14-17).

He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head; he put on garments of vengeance for clothing, and wrapped himself in zeal as a cloak. -Isaiah 59:17

“One day as I was passing into the field, this sentence fell upon my soul: ‘Thy righteousness is in heaven.’ And with the eyes of my soul I saw Jesus at the Father’s right hand. ‘There,’ I said, ‘is my righteousness!’ So that wherever I was or whatever I was doing, God could not say to me, ‘Where is your righteousness?’ For it is always right before him. . . . I saw that it is not my good frame of heart that made my righteousness better, nor yet my bad frame that made my righteousness worse, for my righteousness is Christ. Now my chains fell off indeed. My temptations fled away, and I lived sweetly at peace with God.” -John Bunyan

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” -Isaiah 52:7

“So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: ‘I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!’” -Martin Luther

3. Our Station (18-20).

At the heart of spiritual warfare is prayer. Paul does not present this as an additional weapon, but as a foundational and continuous activity that is crucial to deploying all of the armor and weapons he has just commended to the church. -Clinton Arnold

Prayer humbles us as needy and exalts God as all-sufficient. -John Piper

Brinner with Steve Whitacre This Saturday!

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This month Brinner is on a Saturday.

Our friend Steve Whitacre will be in town this weekend & he has a passion for connecting with young folks. Many of our students will remember him from last summer’s Advance Youth Retreat.

We’re so excited about this opportunity, that we want to include the high school & middle schoolers for this Brinner.

So, high schoolers & middle schoolers, mark your calendars.

For Steve. For time together. AND for pancakes—there will be lots of pancakes!

  • WHEN: This Saturday, May 1 at 6:00pm

  • WHERE: Finch’s Home—1514 Co Rd 700, Athens

  • WHY: That should be obvious!

We can’t say it better than Jana—Sign up for this week’s Parenting Seminar!


We are hosting a Parenting Seminar THIS Saturday with Steve Whitacre!

Steve Whitacre will address the overall goal of parenting & give practical advice for each phase of parenting, from infants to teenagers.

It is a joy for us to benefit from events like these & be encouraged together in parenting.

Read Jana’s encouragement below.

And be sure to sign up!

Jana’s encouragment!

Are you up to your armpits in diapers? What about toddlers that tell you N-O?

Tantrums anyone? Sleepless nights? How about middle schoolers who question EVERYthing? Including your instructions. Anyone know a grumpy teen? Trying to help your big kids make wise decisions about their future? Well, have we got a show for you?

In all seriousness, I am in every one of those seasons. Well, except the diapers. I’m finally done with diapers!

In case we haven’t met, I’m Jana Thomas, mother of five wonderful blessings, ages 5, 10, 11, 14, and 17 (for two more days- wahhhhh!)

This June, it will be six years since I began this parenting journey alone. My husband, Kelly Thomas, a true dream of a guy, a loving father (think dancing around with his little girl to “Let it Go” Saturday mornings in his undies, to wrestling with all four kids after dinner time - he never got to meet his Kelsa-Ana, to leading his family in prayer when we hopped in the car, to taking his precious family with him every where he went) was called home in 2015.

And thus began parenting solo.

Folks, it’s hard. It’s hard with two. You know this. If you are in the training stages of it, it’s never ending. “Please pick up your shoes. Please put your toys away. Please brush your teeth.” If you are in the maintenance stage, it’s hard. “No, you may not play on your device until your chores are done. Please do your laundry and unload the dishes!” If you are in the launching phase, it’s hard. “Well, what time is that activity? So when will you be finished? Did you get all your work done? Will you be home for dinner?”

And if you are in all of those, well, let’s just take a moment and cry, shall we?

And folks, that’s just the have to stuff. We haven’t even talked about the how to direct our kids to the Lord. But THAT is our greatest concern. We want our babies to know and love and trust Jesus. We want them to want to love and serve and obey, not just us, but their teachers and their boss. We want them to love, not just us, but their siblings and friends, and some day their spouses, and hopefully their parents. We want them to serve, not just at home, but on the playground, and in their local church, and ultimately in their own homes.

And so the work laid before us is IMPOSSIBLE.

Especially if you are doing it alone. So don’t! Don’t do it alone. Fight. Do this with people in the same fight as you and learn and listen. Ask questions. And be willing to receive.

And pray. Ohmigoodness, pray!!!! And here is the best news. There IS help. There are good and tested ideas from “experts”- those who have walked this path. Right here in our church, there are friends, believers, people who love you and your kids, almost as much as you do, and many have done what you are doing and want to hear you and listen to the hard you are going through.

And Steve Whitacre is just one of those people. He will be doing a parenting seminar this Saturday, May 1, at First Baptist Church, Athens, from 9- noon. So join us and be encouraged. Let’s trust the Lord with our kids and walk this journey together.

Don’t try to parent your children alone, in your own strength and according to your own wisdom. It’s too hard to do alone. Let’s do it together!


Why should we sing songs of lament?


Last Sunday, we sang a type of song that we don’t often sing: a lament.

We sang the old hymn, “Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul.”

Laments are prayers we pray when life goes sideways. They are songs to sing when faced with the wreckage of trouble & pain. When sorrows rise. When tears fall. When wrestling with disappointment, doubt, & despair.

Interestingly, one third of the book of Psalms are laments—because life in our fallen world is hard & filled with pain.

Even our Lord quotes a psalm of lament—Psalm 22—from the cross, as if to tell us we can still come to the Lord when sorrow fills our heart.


“Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul” is an old hymn written by Anne Steele (1716-1778) & retuned several years ago by Matt Merker.

The lyrics are wonderfully blunt about pain. “Sorrows rise.” “Waves of trouble roll.” “Gloomy doubts prevail.” “Springs of comfort seem to fail.” “Hopes decline.”

But, the lyrics also underline the open door for us to seek the Lord’s face & to “breathe [our] sorrows” at his feet. The final verse repeats:

Thy mercy seat is open still, here let my soul retreat;

With humble hope attend Thy will, and wait beneath Thy feet.

What an unspeakable privilege to retreat to the mercy seat to wait!

Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.”


The full lyrics are:

Dear refuge of my weary soul, on Thee, when sorrows rise,

On Thee, when waves of trouble roll, my fainting hope relies.

To Thee I tell each rising grief, for Thou alone can heal;

Thy Word can bring a sweet relief for every pain I feel.

But oh! When gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call Thee mine;

The springs of comfort seem to fail, and all my hopes decline.

Yet gracious God, where shall I flee? Thou art my only trust;

And still my soul would cleave to Thee, though prostrate in the dust.

Hast Thou not bid me seek Thy face, and shall I seek in vain?

And can the ear of sov’reign grace be deaf when I complain?

No, still the ear of sov’reign grace attends the mourner’s prayer;

O may I ever find access to breathe my sorrows there.

Thy mercy seat is open still, here let my soul retreat;

With humble hope attend Thy will, and wait beneath Thy feet.

Thy mercy seat is open still, here let my soul retreat;

With humble hope attend Thy will, and wait beneath Thy feet.

Sign up for the Parenting Seminar!

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Have you ever seen this face on your child?

What did you do about it?!

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you handle it well & sometimes you don’t.

But what about other parenting challenges? Like finding good friends, cultivating godly habits, using technology well, following Jesus, & helping them stand courageously as men & women in a challenging culture.

When we consider the calling of parenting, it is hard not to feel overwhelmed.

Parenting is hard, but God is with us to help us succeed in one of our most important callings.

And Steve Whitacre is coming too!


Steve Whitacre is married to his wife Nicole & together they are raising their four children in Louisville, where Steve serves as a pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.

Most important to many of us, Steve is famous among us because he has taught at the summer Advance Youth Conference for the past few years in Dayton, TN.

Next Saturday, May 1, we will have a Parenting Seminar with Steve.

Steve will address the overall goal of parenting & give practical advice for each phase of parenting, from infants to teenagers.


  • Saturday, May 1, 9am—12pm

  • First Baptist Church annex

  • Childcare provided.

  • Cost: $5 per adult.

please register below!

Baby Dedications on Sunday, May 9.


We are a fruitful church.

We hope to fruitful in the ways of God but we are definitely fruitful in the number of children we have. There are babies everywhere!


On Sunday, May 9—Mother’s Day!—we will celebrate baby dedications.

We regularly offer baby dedications for a number of reasons, including:

  • We want to thank God. Children are a heritage & gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3)!

  • We want to give parents an opportunity to dedicate children to the Lord. Children are called to “do everything to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Their lives are not their own. So, we want to give parents an opportunity to dedicate them to the Lord & commit to calling them to glorify God with their lives.

  • We want to join with parents to help raise these children in the Lord. The church is a “gymnasium” for godliness, as John Calvin has said. So we pray with & commit to join with these parents in training these children for godliness.

Sign up to participate

If you have one of children (or an older child or older children who have not been dedicated) & would like to participate in the baby dedications on Sunday, May 9, sign up below.

We will follow up with you & give you all the information you need.

PICNIC after the service this Sunday!

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It’s picnic time in Tennessee!

With the weather continuing to warm, we are looking for any opportunity to get together & get outdoors before it gets too hot. So, this Sunday, we will be having a picnic out on the lawn at Ramble Creek just after the service.

Frisbee, soccer, football, quality time with our church family, & the best peanut butter & jelly sandwich that you can create. What could be better?

Bring your lunch & a ball this Sunday & plan to hang out for a while! We’re looking forward to it!

Sunday Recap: God's Presence–Our Security


Last Sunday, we missed Walt. We always do when he’s absent.

Yet, it was a great pleasure to have Jeff Purswell join us. Jeff is the Dean of the Pastor’s College and serves as Director of Theology & Training for Sovereign Grace Churches, the family of churches to which we belong.

Needless to say, his message was powerful, encouraging, & timely. Jeff preached from Psalm 46—God is a very present help in time of trouble.

But, it’s great to know that Jeff was one of many who jumped at the opportunity to come & serve our church. We have a lot of friends that care about us and care for us!

In case you missed the, you can click here to listen to the message, or check out our YouTube page to watch the entire service.

April & May Events

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We are have busy lives. And Spring is no different. Yard-work, ballgames, and the last few weeks of school.

There’s a lot happening in the life of our church, as well. It’s not to keep us busy and occupied, but to serve our souls with times together and seeking the Lord.

We want to keep you in the loop. Below are some of the important events & details that are happening in April and May.


Wednesday, April 14—Men’s Prayer Night

7pm @The Event Space behind White Street Market

Sunday, April 18—Picnic After Church

Bring a lunch, and a frisbee


Saturday, May 1—Parenting Seminar with Steve Whitacre

9am-12pm @ First Baptist Church in Athens (childcare provided)

Saturday, May 1—Brinner with Steve Whitacre

Steve was the guest speaker at the Advance Conference last year, & has a lot to say to students.

Middle & high schoolers are invited!

Sunday, May 9—Baby Dedications

Share in this special Mother’s Day, as we dedicate our newest babies in the church.

Wednesday, May 12—Men’s Prayer Night

7pm @ The Event Space behind White Street Market

Sunday, May 16—Church Family Night

5pm—This is a fun evening where we let our hair down a bit & look toward the what God has in store for us—Lord willing—in the days ahead

Saturday, May 22—Membership Course

9am-1pm—For those who want to learn a little more about the church and what we believe

In Times of Grief: Update on the Alexander Family



If we live long enough, we will almost surely encounter moments of deep sorrow & grief. These emotions can be debilitating.

We know that these are things that are “such as are common to man“. Yet, we are usually surprised when they come.

What do we do when life comes crashing down all around us? How do we keep going when we experience the loss of a child, the loss of a job, or the news that we have stage-four cancer? It is at these times that all of our superficial supports seem to evaporate, and we are left with a simple question of, “to whom do we turn“?

The Psalmist answers that question by stating, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way.“ –Psalm 46:1-2

These things take time. Grief is a marathon.


The Alexander family is currently wading through this kind of grief. A very close friend of Walt’s dad was murdered along with his wife and two grandchildren. The son of the man who was killed is also one of Walt’s best friends. This man lost both of his parents and both of his children in the same day (you may have seen the story on the national news outlets).

For the Alexander’s, it’s not direct family. But it is. The kids grew up together, they went on vacations together, & now they are grieving together. Click this LINK to read the full statement from the victim’s family.


Right now there are still many questions. Let us attempt to answer a few of them:

  • How can we care for Walt & Kim?

The best thing you can do is to pray for them. That’s not trifle. It’s huge. The Lord is sustaining them.

You can also send notes, cards, or emails. These bits of encouragement will bless them tremendously. Please avoid phone calls or texts at this time. Walt especially is extremely busy in handling affairs.

The church is sending flowers to Walt, Walt’s dad, & the Lesslie family in South Carolina.

  • Who will preach this Sunday?

Walt will be in South Carolina through Sunday. Many men from Sovereign Grace Churches have offered to come and preach on Sunday. Our church is very well cared for! Jeff Purswell, who oversees the Pastor’s College (yes, the one Taylor is attending), will be joining us. And he will serve us well.

  • How long will Walt be gone?

Again, Walt is giving support to the family, and plans to return mid-week.


Here is a portion of the recent statement released from the families:

While we know there are no answers that will satisfy the question “why,” we are sure of one thing: we do not grieve as those without hope. Our hope is found in the promise of Jesus Christ, and we are enveloped by peace that surpasses all understanding. To that end, our hearts are bent toward forgiveness and peace. Toward love and connectedness. Toward celebration and unity.

These families are putting their hope and trust in the Lord. Our pastor is both caring for others and being cared for himself—both here and in South Carolina. We are so grateful for the community of believers in times of grief. Thank you for your continued prayers.

—TGC Deacons & Buddy Luster

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. –Psalm 34:18

Men's Prayer

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What do you need most?

Even though God knows our needs even before we ask him, He calls us to verbalize our needs to Him. “The reason He does this is not because He needs to be nudged out of some slumber to act on our behalf, but because prayer benefits us & deepens our dependence on Him,” said R.C. Sproul.

When we share our deepest needs and concerns with God, he comes to satisfy us with more than answers to prayer. He gives us himself!

We are meeting monthly to pray & commune with God. It’ll include a few moments of singing, a short exhortation, & time for prayer in groups.

We hope you carve out time for this evening.


  • WHAT: Men’s Prayer Night

  • WHO: All the men & young men of the church & whoever else that wants to come.

  • WHEN: Wednesday, April 14 :: 7:00-8:15pm

  • WHERE: The Meeting Space behind White Street Market (3 West College St.)

It's Friday, but Sunday's Comin'!


It’s Friday.

Jesus was tried, handed over to the Romans, crucified, dead, & buried. All on Friday.

But Sunday is coming.

(The preaching video below from prominent African-American preacher S.M. Lockridge captures this truth memorably!)

This Sunday we will look back & celebrate the resurrection. As Romans 4:25 says: Jesus was delivered up for our trespasses & raised for our justification.

Join us this Easter Sunday. Bring a friend & rejoice with us!

  • WHAT: Resurrection Sunday Celebration with Trinity Grace Church

  • WHEN: 9am & 10:30am service with coffee & snacks at 10am

  • WHERE: Ramble Creek Vineyard (277 Co Rd 437, Athens, TN 37303)

Are you going on the Mexico Mission Trip?

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We are going to Rancho 3M. It is an orphanage in Guadalupe, Mexico, about an hour south of Juarez. It has been a long-time partner with our family of churches & has served the children of Mexico for many years.

Their mission is wonderful: “Rescuing, caring for, training and discipling at-risk and orphaned children for the glory of God.”


Because of a number of factors pertaining to the Coronavirus, the ranch is asking for the mission team to be project driven.

The main purpose of the trip will be to complete various construction & maintenance projects needed around the ranch. The projects needing to be done are wide-ranging & will be tailored to the skillsets of our mission team.


  • Skilled laborers—particularly in renovation projects.

  • Unskilled laborers—need more of these!

  • Drivers—due to Coronavirus concerns we’re planning to drive down & fly back.


  • Cost: $800-1000 per person—but don’t let money be an obstacle!

  • Dates: July 3-10

  • Age: Adults & Youth (middle school age & up).

  • Passport: You will need one to get into Mexico!